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基于 RSM 的新型亲水性橡胶复合水泥混凝土目标优化研究 ∗
Objective Optimization Study of New Hydrophilic Rubber Composite Cement Concrete based on RSM

王   旭1 ,2 , 张   政 1 , 霍志强1 , 夏金刚1 ,2, 文安飞1 ,2, 杨征勋1 ,2,

( 1. 四川交通职业技术学院,四川 成都 611130;

2. 新疆农业大学交通与物流工程学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052)

摘   要: 橡胶混凝土的配合比设计对其性能及寿命具有重要意义 。基于 RSM 的 Box-Behnken 中心组合设计,运用新型亲水性橡胶,以水泥 、粉煤灰 、亲水性橡胶掺量作为影响因素,对亲水性橡胶复合水泥混凝土进行配合比优化,并以响应值建立预测模型。结果表明: 水泥、粉煤灰、亲水性橡胶掺量分别为 360 kg/m3、65 kg/m3 和 50 kg/m3 时,所得28d 抗弯拉强度值最大,预测模型适应性良好;水泥、粉煤灰 、亲水性橡胶三者  交互作用明显,三者对混凝土抗弯强度的影响依次为亲水性橡胶掺量、水泥掺量、粉煤灰掺量。研究结论可以为亲水性橡胶复合混凝土的配合比设计提供参考。

关键词: 普通硅酸盐水泥; RSM 响应模型; 抗弯拉强度; 预测模型

中图分类号: TU528      

文献标志码: A      

文章编号: 1005-8249 (2023) 03-0011-05

DOI : 10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005-8249.2023.03.011

WANG Xu1 , 2 , ZHANG Zheng1 , HUO Zhiqiang1 , XIA Jingang1 , 2 , WEN Anfei1 , 2 , YANG Zhengxun1 , 2

( 1. Sichuan Transportation Vocational and Technical College , Chengdu 611130 , China;

2. College of Transportation and Logistics Engineering , Xinjiang Agricultural University , Urumqi 830052 ,  China)

Abstract:The design of rubber concrete ratio is important for its performance and lifetime. Based on the Box-Behnken central combination design of response surface method, a new hydrophilic rubber is used to optimize the ratio of hydrophilic rubber composite cement concrete with cement, fly ash and hydrophilic rubber admixture as influencing factors, and a prediction model is established with response values. The results show that the 28d flexural tensile strength values of cement, fly ash and hydrophilic rubber are the largest when the amounts of cement, fly ash and hydrophilic rubber are 360kg/m3, 65kg/m3 and 50kg/m3 respectively, and the prediction model is well adapted; the interaction of cement, fly ash and hydrophilic rubber is obvious, and the effects of the three on the flexural strength of concrete are in the order of the amount of cement, hydrophilic rubber and fly ash. The conclusion of the study can provide a reference for the design of the ratio of hydrophilic rubber composite concrete.

 Keywords: ordinary portland cement; RSM respone model; flexural strength; prediction model

∗基 金 项目: 成 都 市 科 技 局 重 点 研 发 支 撑 计 划  ( 2022 - YF05-01051 -SN) 四川交通职业技术学院科技项目  (2022-QN- KJ-05)

作者简介: 王旭  ( 1997—) , 男 ,硕士。研究方向: 路基路 面工程。

通信作者: 杨征勋  (1982—) , 男,博士,教授 。研究方向: 无机非金属材料。

收稿日期: 2023-03-19