
梁 晟1 , 王晓磊2, 曹妮娜2, 张建英3, 于庭富3
( 1 . 新疆理工学院 机电工程学院 ,新疆 阿克苏 843100 ;
2. 河北工程大学 土木工程学院, 河北 邯郸 056038 ;
3 . 中国二十二冶集团有限公司路桥工程分公司 ,河北 唐山 064000)
摘 要 :河北省邯郸市地处华北平原 ,地下水资源较为丰富 ,在城市建设中基坑支护设计既要保证工程的 安全性还要兼顾一定的经济性。以邯郸市赵王大街地下综合管廊深基坑工程为背景 ,利用 Midas - GTS 软件对基坑降水开挖进行了全过程的数值模拟 ,在验证模型的准确性后 ,分别分析支护桩的插入比 、内支撑预应力和止 水帷幕对基坑变形的影响。结果表明:支护桩的嵌固深度减小会导致桩前 、后土压力差值增大 ,造成基坑失稳 破坏 ;内支撑的预应力值在 200 kN 时 ,可以有效控制基坑变形 ;止水帷幕的增设可以延长渗流路径 ,减缓渗流 速度 ,对抑制基坑变形有积极作用。
关键词:基坑开挖 ;数值模拟 ;基坑变形 ;富水地层
文章编号: 1005- 8249 (2024) 03- 0068- 05
DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.03 .014
LIANG Sheng1 , WANG Xiaolei2, CAO Nina2, ZHANG Jianying3 , YU Tingfu3
1 . School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering , Xinjiang Institute of Technology , Aksu 843100 , China;
2. College of Civil Engineering , Hebei University of Engineering , Handan 056038 , China;
3 . Road and Bridge Engineering Branch of China 22 Metallurgy Group Co. ,Ltd. ,Tangshan 064000 , China
Abstract : Handan City , Hebei Province is located in the North China Plain. The groundwater resources in this area are abundant. In urban construction , the design of foundation pit support should not only ensure the safety of the project , but also take into account the economy. Based on the deep foundation pit engineering of underground comprehensive pipe gallery in Zhaowang Street of Handan City , Midas - GTS software is used to simulate the whole process of foundation pit dewatering and excavation. After verifying the accuracy of the model , the influence of the insertion ratio of supporting pile , the prestress of internal support and the waterproof curtain on the deformation of foundation pit is analyzed respectively. The results show that the decrease of the embedded depth of the supporting pile will lead to the increase of the difference between the soil pressure before and after the pile , resulting in the instability and failure of the foundation pit. When the prestress value of the inner support is 200 kN , the deformation of the foundation pit can be effectively limited. The addition of waterproof curtain can prolong the seepage path , slow down the seepage velocity , and play a positive role in inhibiting the deformation of foundation pit. The relevant results can provide experience and reference for the optimization of similar water - rich strata support.
Keywords : foundation pit excavation; numerical simulation; foundation pit deformation; water - rich strat
*基金项目:河北省建设科技项目 (2022 - 2013) 。
作者简介:梁 晟 (1997—) , 男 ,硕士 ,研究方向:岩土工程。
收稿日期:2023- 02- 12