
李茂辉1 , 陆有军1 , 楚京军2 , 刘亚娟2 , 张同生3
( 1 . 北方民族大学 材料科学与工程学院 ,宁夏 银川 750021 ;
2. 宁夏赛马科进混凝土有限公司,宁夏 银川 750021 ;
3 . 华南理工大学 材料科学与工程学院 ,广东 广州 510641)
摘 要: 以碱性钢渣为研究对象 ,在机械粉磨基础上 ,采用化学激发方式探究碱性钢渣替代水泥早期强度 变化规律 ;研究不同种类 、掺量化学激发剂对钢渣活性的作用 ,利用 XRD 、SEM 对钢渣替代水泥的水化产物进 行分析。结果表明:机械粉磨能够有效改善钢渣粒径中的粗颗粒和细颗粒含量 ,优化颗粒级配 ,最佳粉磨时间 为 20 min; 化学激发能够在机械粉磨上进一步提高钢渣胶凝活性 , 当早强剂掺量为 2. 0% 、芒硝掺量为 3 . 0% 、氢氧化钠掺量为 1 . 0% 、钢渣掺量为25% 时效果最佳 ;钢渣替代水泥主要水化产物是方解石 ( CaCO3 ) 、氢氧钙 石 (Ca (OH) 2 ) 、硅酸二钙 (Ca2 SiO4 ) 和 C - S- H 凝胶 ,微观组织呈现纤维网状结构 ,为力学性能的提高奠定了基础。
关键词:碱性钢渣 ;化学激发 ;活性 ;力学性能 ;微观组织
文章编号:1005- 8249 (2024) 03- 0025- 06
DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.03 .006
LI Maohui 1, LU Youjun1 , CHU Jingjun2, LIUYajuan2, ZHANG Tongsheng3
1 .School of Materials Science and Engineering , North Minzu University , Yinchuan 750021 , China;
2. Ningxia Saima Kejin Concrete Co. ,Ltd. ,Yinchuan 750001 , China;
3 .School of Materials Science and Engineering , South China University of Technology , Guangzhou 510641 , China
Abstract : Alkaline steel slag as the research object , the change law of alkaline steel slag cementitious activity was investigated by chemical excitation methods. The effects of different kinds and dosage of chemical activators on the activity of steel slag were studied. Hydration products of cement replaced by steel slag were analyzed by XRD and SEM. The results show that mechanical grinding can effectively improve the content of coarse and fine particles in the steel slag particle size , and optimize the particle gradation. The optimal grinding time is 20 min Ininters Chemical excitation can further improve the cementitious activity of steel slag on the basis of mechanical stimulation , and the best effect is obtained when the self- made early- strengthening agent dosing is 2. 0% , the dosage of mirabilite is 3 . 0% , the dosage of sodium hydroxide is 1 . 0% , and the dosage of steel slag is 25% . The main hydration products of cement replaced by steel slag are calcite ( CaCO3 ) , calcium hydroxide ( Ca ( OH) 2 ) , dicalcium silicate (Ca2 SiO4 ) , and C - S - H gel. The microstructure presents a fiber network structure , which lays the foundation for the improvement of mechanical properties.
Keywords : alkaline steel slag; chemical excitation; activity; mechanical properties; microstructure
*基金项目: 宁夏自治区重点研发计划 (2022BDE02002) ; 北方民族大学重点项目 (2021 KJCX006) 。
作者简介:李茂辉 (1988—) , 男 , 回族 ,博士 ,副教授 ,研究方向:废物资源化利用与充填材料开发研究。
收稿日期:2023- 02- 16