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大型十字交叉地铁车站结构地震响应分析 *
Analysis of Structural Seismic Response of Large - scale Cross - crossing Metro Stations

梁旭华1 ,  刘杨2 ,  李雨润2 , 3

( 1 .  唐山市市政建设总公司 ,河北 唐山 063000 ;  

2.  河北工业大学 土木与交通学院 ,天津 300401 ;

3 .  河北省土木工程技术研究中心 ,天津 300401)

摘   要 :本文通过数值模拟的方法开展实际工程地下结构地震响应分析。以天津某软土场地下十字换乘地 铁车站工程为背景 ,建立穿越体系  (Cr) 、单体车站  (Ss -2) 、单体车站  ( Ss - 4)   和自由场  ( Ff)四种数值模型 ,通过改变地震波类型和幅值来探究软土场地下十字换乘地铁车站与单体车站地震响应规律的异同。结果表 明 :相比于单体车站结构 ,十字换乘车站体系对土体加速度放大效应有着更明显的抑制作用 ;不同车站模型位 移 、应力和加速度均不相同 , 同一模型不同车站其响应规律也不同 , 当罕遇地震来临时 ,车站换乘段容易出现 失稳破坏 ,总体来看 ,十字换乘车站稳定性要优于单体车站。

关键词: 十字交叉车站 ;穿越体系 ;静-动力人工边界 ;地震响应



文章编号: 1005- 8249  (2024)  03- 0106- 07 

DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.03 .021


LIANG Xuhua1  ,  LIU Yang2 ,  LI Yurun2 , 3

1 . Tangshan Municipal Construction Corporation , Tangshan 063000 , China;  

2. School of Civil Engineering and Transportation , Hebei University of Technology , Tianjin 300401 , China;

3 . Hebei Civil Engineering Technology Research Centre , Tianjin 300401 , China

Abstract :  In this paper , the seismic response analysis of underground structures of actual projects is carried out by numerical simulation.  With the background of a cross - interchange underground station project in a soft soil site in Tianjin , four numerical models , namely , crossing system (Cr) , single station(Ss - 2) , single station(Ss - 4) and free field  (Ff) , are established to investigate the similarities and differences of the seismic response of cross - interchange underground station and single station in soft soil site by changing the seismic wave types and amplitudes. The results show that : compared with the monolithic station structure , the cross - over station  system has a more obvious inhibition effect on the acceleration amplification effect of the soil;the displacement , stress  and acceleration of different station models are different , and the response law of different stations with the same model is also different; when the rare earthquakes come , the interchange section of the station is prone to be destabilised and damaged , and the stability of the interchange station is better than that of monolithic  station in general.

Keywords :  crossover stations;  crossing system;  static - dynamic artificial boundaries;  seismic response


*基金项目:河北省自然科学基金资助项目  (E2023202028) 。

作者简介:梁旭华  (1973—) ,   女 ,本科 ,高级工程师 ,研究方向:水处理工程。 

通信作者:刘   杨  (1999—) ,  男 ,硕士研究生 ,研究方向:岩土工程。

收稿日期:2024- 03- 28