( 郑州地铁集团有限公司 ,河南 郑州 450000)
摘 要 :非对称异性隧道联络通道掘进时极易发生变形风险 , 因此对非对称异性隧道联络通道采取冷冻法加固施工技术。利用ANSYS软件 ,构建非对称异性隧道联络通道及其地层情况的三维模型 ,模拟不同冷冻天数、冷冻壁厚度 、冷冻壁工况状以及冷冻温度下 ,联络通道的变形规律与稳定情况 ,并优化施工方案。结果表明:经冷冻法处理后的土体表现出良好的冻结效果 ,土体强度较高 ,掘进时土体不易塌陷 ;冷冻天数越长 ,位移变 化量越小 ;土体冷冻壁较厚且全冷冻壁工况能够获得更加良好的加固效果 ;冷冻温度越低 ,联络通道越稳定。
关键词:非对称 ;异性隧道 ;联络通道 ;冷冻法施工 ;ANSYS 有限元 ;应力变化
中图分类号:TU472. 9
文章编号:1005- 8249 (2024) 03- 0157- 06
DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.03 .030
GAO Minfu
(Zhengzhou Metro Group Co. ,Ltd. ,Zhengzhou 450000 , China)
Abstract : The risk of deformation is very easy to occur in the tunnel tunnel , so the freezing method is adopted to strengthen the tunnel tunnel. ANSYS software is used to build a three - dimensional model of the asymmetric tunnel contact channel and its formation conditions , simulate the deformation rule and stability of the contact channel under different freezing days , freezing wall thickness , freezing wall condition and freezing temperature , and optimize the construction scheme. The results show that the soil treated by the freezing method has a good freezing effect , the soil strength is high , and the soil is not easy to collapse during excavation. The longer the freezing days , the smaller the displacement change; better reinforcement effect can be obtained under the condition of thicker frozen wall and full frozen wall; the lower the freezing temperature is , the more stable the communication channel is.
Keywords : asymmetry; opposite sex tunnel; contact channel; freezing method construction; ANSYS finite element; stress changes
作者简介: 高民富 (1972—) , 男 ,本科 , 高级工程师 ,研 究方向:城市轨道交通施工和运营安全等。
收稿日期:2022- 10- 08