
( 长沙理工大学 土木工程学院 ,湖南 长沙 410000)
摘 要 :既有幕墙结构检测对于钢龙骨转接件节点位置的选择各个规范并未作出明确的要求,考虑到钢龙骨整体结构冗余度较高,各个转接件节点的重要性也不尽相同。为了对幕墙钢龙骨转接件进行高效 、快速检测需要合理选择转接件节点的检测位置,采用变换荷载路径法( AP 法)计算四个典型钢龙骨转接件的重要性系数、区域重要性系数及区域范围转接件失效后的频率。结果表明:整体幕墙转接件重要性系数平均值比值随着转接件高度的增加而增大;最外侧转接件重要性系数随着转接件高度位置与幕墙整体宽度比值的增大逐渐增大;随着幕墙整体高度增大外侧转接件重要性系数逐渐减小;幕墙外侧区域重要性系数大于内侧区域重要性系数, 通过等效应力与改进的模态灵敏度两种响应获得的区域重要性具有较好的一致性。
关键词:幕墙结构 ;变换荷载路径法(AP 法);等效应力;灵敏度;重要性系数
中图分类号:TU312 + . 3
文章编号:1005- 8249 (2024) 03- 0101- 05
DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.03 .020
CHEN Kui , WANG Guolin , ZHANG Zhenhao
(Institutes of Technology of Changsha , Changsha 410000 , China)
Abstract : The detection of the existing curtain wall structure does not make clear requirements for the selection of the node position of the steel keel adapter. Considering the high redundancy of the overall structure of the steel keel , the importance of each adapter node is not the same. In order to carry out efficient and rapid detection of curtain wall steel keel connectors , it is necessary to reasonably select the detection position of the connector nodes. The importance coefficient , regional importance coefficient and frequency of the four typical steel keel connectors after failure are calculated by using the variable load path method (AP method) . The results show that the ratio of the average value of the importance coefficient of the integral curtain wall adapter increases with the increase of the height of the adapter; the importance coefficient of the outermost connector increases with the increase of the ratio of the height of the connector to the overall width of the curtain wall. As the overall height of the curtain wall increases , the importance coefficient of the outer adapter gradually decreases; the importance coefficient of the outer region of the curtain wall is greater than that of the inner region. The regional importance obtained by the equivalent stress and the improved modal sensitivity is in good agreement.
Keywords : curtain wall structure; load path transformation method; equivalent stress; sensitivity; importance coefficient
*基金项目: 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目 (2018JJ2443) 。
作者简介: 陈 逵 (1979—) , 男 ,博士 ,主要从事结构检 测及加固 、结构损伤分析等方面研究。
通信作者: 王国林 (1996—) , 男 ,硕士研究生 ,主要从事 结构损伤分析研究。
收稿日期:2023- 01 - 06