
杨兴春 ,吴 渊 ,孙志高 ,张栋梁 ,王觅堂
(上海理工大学 材料与化学学院 ,上海 200093)
摘 要: 本研究使用了两种不同的发泡剂(双氧水和铝粉,以氢氧化钠为激发剂,以富镁镍渣和粉煤灰 为原料 ,制备了多孔地质聚合物 。从干密度、抗压强度、导热系数、吸水率等方面考察了发泡剂种类和含量对富镁镍渣-粉煤灰基多孔地质聚合物性能的影响 。利用 X 射线衍射 ( XRD)、傅里叶变换红外光谱 ( FT-IR) 探究了多孔地质聚合物的水化产物 。研究发现两种发泡剂都能成功制备多孔地质聚合物,随着发泡剂含量增加, 多孔地质聚合物的干密度、抗压强度和导热率逐渐减低,吸水率逐渐上升 。在发泡剂的作用下碱基地质聚合物 内部形成了多孔结构,且发泡剂并不影响地质聚合反应的产物 。本研究证明两种发泡剂都可以用来制备碱激发富镁镍渣-粉煤灰多孔地质聚合物,为富镁镍渣地聚物应用提供了参考。
关键词: 多孔地质聚合物; 富镁镍渣; 粉煤灰; 双氧水; 铝粉
中图分类号: TU528
文献标志码: A
文章编号: 1005-8249 (2023) 03-0012-07
DOI : 10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005-8249.2023.03.012
YANG Xingchun , WU Yuan , SUN Zhigao , ZHANG Dongliang , WANG Mitang
( School of Materials and Chemistry , University of Shanghai for Science and Technology , Shanghai 200093 , China)
Abstract:Porous geopolymers were prepared by using two different foaming agents (H2O2 and Al powder), NaOH as the activator, high magnesium nickel slag and fly ash as raw materials. The effects of foaming agent type and content on the properties of high magnesium nickel slag -fly ash based porous geopolymers were investigated from dry density, compressive strength, thermal conductivity and water absorption. The hydration products of porous geopolymer were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). It was found that porous geopolymers could be prepared successfully with both kinds of foaming agents. The dry density, compressive strength and thermal conductivity of porous geopolymers decreased, and the water absorption increased gradually with the increase of foaming agent content. The geopolymer has a porous structure with the addition of foaming agent, and the foaming agent does not affect the products of the geopolymer reaction. This study proves that the two foaming agents can be used to prepare porous geopolymers with high magnesium nickel slag and fly ash, which provides a reference for the application of high magnesium nickel slag.
Keywords : porous geopolymers ; high magnesium nickel slag; fly ash; H2 O2 ; Al powder
∗基金项目:国家自然科研基金项目 (51974168 , 51662033)
作者简介:杨兴春 (1997—), 男,硕士。主要研究方向: 固废利用,地质聚合物。
通信作者:王觅堂 (1982—) , 男,博士,教授 。主要从事无机非金属材料研究。
收稿日期: 2023-03-09