
刘 拼 1, 郭城瑶1, 秦哲焕1, 杨永民2, 王丙垒1, 徐 可 1
( 1 . 武汉三源特种建材有限责任公司 ,湖北 武汉 430082; 2. 仲恺农业工程学院 ,广东 广州 510225)
摘 要:依托某质子肿瘤治疗中心项目,采用大掺量粉煤灰降低水化热的思路、选用高性能膨胀抗裂剂配制C35 补偿收缩混凝土进行大体积混凝土足尺模型试验,严格控制混凝土施工过程并监测温度和应变,取得良好的裂缝控制效果。结果表明:环境温度 21 ~ 25 ℃、混凝土入模温度约30 ℃ 时,4. 68 m× 4. 68 m× 4. 68 m 足尺模型内部最高温度65. 1 ℃、里表温差局部大于 25 ℃ ; 足尺模型表层温度与环境温度的温差在10 ℃ 以下时,混 凝土仍处于微膨胀状态、表层应变 65 . 9 ~ 219. 6με。
关键词 :高性能膨胀抗裂剂 ;补偿收缩 ;大体积混凝土 ;足尺模型 ;裂缝控制
中图分类号 :TU528
文献标志码 :A
文章编号 :1005- 8249 (2023) 03- 0010- 06
DOI : 10. 19860/j . cnki . issn1005- 8249. 2023 . 03 . 010
LIU Pin 1, GUO Chengyao1 , QIN Zhehuan 1, YANG Yongmin2, WANG Binglei 1, XU Ke1
( 1 . Wuhan Sanyuan Special Building Material Co. ,Ltd. ,Wuhan 430082 ,China;
2. Zhongkai Agricultural Engineering College , Guangzhou 510225 ,China)
Abstract: Based on a proton tumor treatment center, the full-scale model test of mass concrete was carried out by using a large amount of fly ash which was used to reduce the hydration heat and the high performance expansion anti-crack agent to prepare C35 shrinkage-compensating concrete. The concrete construction process was strictly controlled, the temperature and strain were monitored and the application effect of mass concrete crack control was good. The results showed that when the ambient temperature was 21~25°C and the temperature of mixture placing to mold was about 30°C, the maximum temperature inside the 4.68m×4.68m×4.68m full-scale model was 65.1°C and temperature difference of core and surface was more than 25℃;when the temperature difference between the surface temperature of the full-scale model and the ambient temperature was below 10°C, the concrete was still in expansion state and the strain of the surface layer was 65.9~219.6με.
Keywords : high performance expansion anti-crack agent; shrinkage-compensating; mass concrete ; full- scale model; crack control
作者简介 :刘拼 ( 1989—) , 女,硕士, 工程师, 主要从事混凝土膨胀剂及混凝土裂缝控制技术研究
收稿日期 :2022-05-16