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钢丝绳嵌缝加固砖砌体结构抗弯性能研究 *
Study on Bending Performance of Steel Wire Rope Caulking Reinforced Brick Masonry Structure

赵亚军1 ,2 ,  刘    洋1  ,  吴    昊1 ,  方宾彬1


(1 . 河北工程大学 土木工程学院 ,河北 邯郸 056038 ;

2. 河北工程大学 力学实验教学示范中心 ,河北 邯郸 056038)

摘   要 :为提高砖砌体建筑的抗弯与抗倾覆性能, 同时保留原有风貌,提出钢丝绳嵌缝缠绕加固砖砌体的技术。通过使用压力试验机对砌体结构进行沿通缝截面抗弯试验,采用数字图像相关方法  (DIC)  获取砌体结构表面应变场,分析试件的破坏模式和荷载-位移曲线,研究钢丝绳嵌缝加固砖砌体结构受荷时的受力特征与协同工作机理,并在试验的基础上建立了抗弯试件的数值模型。结果表明: 钢丝绳嵌缝加固可建立有效的砌体层间联系,在水平和竖向上约束砖砌体,保持砌体的整体性;加固后砌体结构抗弯性能显著提高,嵌入 2 、3 mm  钢丝绳使承载力分别提高 26% 和 46% ,  峰值荷载对应的挠度分别提高了51% 和 77% ,  脆性破坏特性得到改善。 该方法可用于城市更新中需要保留外观的砌体加固改造工程。

关键词:受弯砌体 ;钢丝绳嵌缝加固 ;应变场 ;数值模拟



文章编号: 1005- 8249   (2024)  06- 0096- 05 

DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.06.018


ZHAO Yajun1 , 2 ,  LIU Yang1  ,  WU Hao1 ,  FANG Binbin1

( 1 . School of Civil Engineering ,   Hebei University of Engineering ,   Handan 056038 ,   China;  2. Experimental

Teaching Demonstration Center of Mechanics ,   Hebei University of Engineering ,   Handan 056038 ,   China)

Abstract: In order to improve the bending resistance and overturning resistance of historical brick masonry buildings while retaining the original style, the technology of wire rope caulking and reinforcement of brick masonry is proposed. By using a pressure testing machine to conduct bending tests along the joint section of masonry structures, the surface strain field of the masonry structure was obtained using digital image correlation method (DIC), and the failure mode and load displacement curve of the specimens were analyzed. The stress characteristics and collaborative working mechanism of steel wire rope joint reinforcement brick masonry structures under load were studied, and a numerical model of the bending specimens was established based on the experiments. The results show that the steel wire rope joint reinforcement can establish effective interlayer connections in masonry, constrain brick masonry horizontally and vertically, and maintain the integrity of the masonry. After reinforcement, the bending resistance of the masonry structure was significantly improved, and the bearing capacity was increased by 26% and 46% by embedding 2mm and 3mm wire rope, and the deflection corresponding to the peak load was increased by 51% and 77%, respectively, and the brittle failure characteristics were improved. This method can be used for masonry reinforcement and renovation projects that require preservation of appearance in urban renewal.

Keywords :  bent masonry;  wire rope caulking reinforcement;  strain field;  numerical modeling

*基金项目: 国家自然科学基金  (52278171 ) 。

作者简介:赵亚军  (1979—) ,  男 ,博士 ,副教授 ,研究方向:建筑结构加固。 

通信作者:刘   洋  (1998—) ,   男 ,硕士研究生 ,研究方向: 结构工程。

收稿日期:2023- 07- 24