
王金泽1 , 3 , 李尚飞1 , 3 , 崔少华1 , 3 , 付素娟2 , 3 , 刘莉娜4
( 1 . 河北建研建筑设计有限公司建筑更新(鹿泉) 分公司,河北 石家庄 050227 ;
2. 河北省建筑科学研究院有限公司,河北 石家庄 050227 ;
3 . 河北省既有建筑综合改造技术创新中心,河北 石家庄 050227 ;
4. 天津大学建筑设计规划研究总院有限公司,天津 300110)
摘 要 :既有结构为规则性超限的超限高层建筑。针对超限情况 ,通过新增剪力墙将原框架结构改为了框 架剪力墙结构 、新增连廊措施后,将原结构变为了高度和规则性均不超限高层建筑。并对加固改造后的结构进行了弹性分析 、设防地震和罕遇地震下弹塑性时程分析。结果表明:原框架结构改为框架剪力墙结构后,提高 了结构抗震性能,结构抗侧刚度提高约 60% , 承载力水平提高约 40% , 降低框架柱受力和抗震等级,减少框架 柱加固工程量约 80% 。结构各项指标均满足规范要求,达到了“小震不坏, 中震可修,大震不倒 ” 的抗震设防 要求。工程所采的加固改造技术措施合理有效,安全可靠 ,加固改造经济成本降低,综合效益显著,可为以后 类似工程提供参考。
关键词:城市更新 ;加固改造 ;超限高层建筑 ;改变结构体系 ;弹塑性分析
中图分类号:TU352. 1
文章编号: 1005- 8249 (2024) 06- 0101- 07
DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.06.019
WANG Jinze1 , 3 , LI Shangfei 1 , 3 , CUI Shaohua1 , 3 , FU Sujuan2 , 3 , LIU Li , na4
( 1 . Architectural Renewal (Luquan) Branch , Hebei Jianyan Architectural Design Co. ,Ltd. ,
Shijiazhuang 050227 , China; 2. Hebei Academy of Building Research Co. ,Ltd. ,
Shijiazhuang 050227 , China; 3 . Hebei Province Existing Building Comprehensive Transformation
Technology Innovation Center , Shijiazhuang 050227 , China; 4. Tianjin University Research Institute
of Architecyural Design and Urban Planning Co. ,Ltd. ,Tianjin 300110 , China)
Abstract: Existing high-rise buildings with regular exceeding limits.In response to the situation of exceeding the limit, the original frame structure was changed to a frame shear wall structure by adding shear walls, and after adding corridor measures, the original structure was transformed into a high-rise building with height and regularity not exceeding the limit. The elastoplastic time-history analysis of the reinforced structure, fortification against earthquakes and rare earthquakes are also carried out. The results indicate that after the original frame structure was changed to a frame shear wall structure, the lateral stiffness of the structure is increased by about 60%, the bearing capacity level is increased by about 40%, the stress and seismic grade of the frame column are reduced, and the reinforcement work of the frame column is reduced by about 80%. All the indicators of the structure meet the requirements of the code, and achieve the seismic fortification requirements of "small earthquake is not bad, medium earthquake can be repaired, and large earthquake cannot be prevented". The technical measures adopted in this project are reasonable, effective, safe and reliable, the economic cost of reinforcement and transformation is reduced, and the comprehensive benefits are remarkable,it can provide reference for similar projects in the future.
Keywords : urban regeneration; reinforcementand reconstruction; super high - rise building; change the structure system; elastoplastic analysis
*基金项目: 中央引导地方科技发展资金项目 (236Z4506G) ; 河北省建设科技计划项目 (2024- 2135) 。
作者简介: 王金泽 (1994—) , 男 ,硕士 ,工程师 ,研究方向: 既有建筑改造加固。
收稿日期:2024- 02- 18