
徐洪涛1, 李娜2, 冯虎3
(1 . 河南五方合创建筑设计有限公司,河南 郑州 450003 ;
2. 郑州工商学院,河南 郑州 451400 ;
3 . 郑州大学 土木工程学院,河南 郑州 450002)
摘 要:聚合物改性水泥砂浆综合力学性能指标相比传统压折比可更加全面地反映复合材料改性后强度和韧性的改善。通过正交试验研究聚合物改性水泥砂浆的综合力学性能指标。考察水胶比 、聚胶比 、砂胶比及水泥矿硅比四个因素,采用 L16 (45 ) 正交进行试验。结果显示:极差分析和方差分析结果表明各因素对聚合物改 性水泥砂浆综合力学性能指标的影响显著程度次序不尽相同,且无重复试验方差分析所对应因素显著程度低于重复试验;重复试验的方差分析表明,砂胶比和聚胶比是综合力学性能指标的显著影响因素。
关键词: 聚合物改性水泥砂浆;综合力学性能指标;压折比;正交试验;因素水平;影响显著程度
中图分类号:TU502 + . 6
文章编号:1005- 8249 (2024) 03- 0006- 06
XU Hongtao1 , LI Na2, FENG Hu3
1. He ’nan FIVEWIN Architectural Design Co. ,Ltd. ,Zhengzhou 450003 , China;
2. Zhengzhou Technology and Business University , Zhengzhou 451400 , China;
3 . Department of Civil Engineering , Zhengzhou University , Zhengzhou 450002 , China
Abstract : Compared with the traditional index (compressive to flexural ratio) , comprehensive mechanical performance index (CMPI) is more comprehensive response the strength and toughness improvements of modified composite material. CMPI of polymer modified cement mortar ware studied based on the orthogonal experiment. Four factors as water - binder ratio , polymer - binder ratio , sand - binder ratio , cement - slag and silica afume ratio , and each factor had four level values. The experimental results ware conducted and studied according to the orthogonal table L16 (45 ) . The results of variance analysis and range analysis show that the significant effect degree of the four factors on the CMPI was not the same , and the significant effect degree concluded from the variance analysis of repeated test data was larger , compared with the separate tests. The variance analysis of repeated test shows that sand - binder ratio and polymer - binder ratio had a significant effect on the CMPI of polymer modified cement mortar.
Keywords : polymer modified cement mortar; comprehensive mechanical performance index (CMPI) ; compressive to flexuralratio; orthogonal experiment; factor level; the degree of influence
*基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (51308504) 。
作者简介:徐洪涛 (1983—) , 男,硕士,高级工程师,一级注册结构工程师,研究方向:建筑结构设计理论及方法应用研究。