( 河南省地质矿产勘查开发局第四地质勘查院 ,河南 郑州 450000)
摘 要:为有效评价不同孕灾因子对地质灾害发育的敏感性及易发性, 以渑池县为实例背景,开展了地质灾害孕灾条件分析,通过确定系数法、信息量模型分别评价孕灾因子对地质灾害的敏感性及易发性。结果表明: 县域内的孕灾因子相对较多,主要包括地貌因子、高程因子、坡度因子、地质构造因子及地层岩性因子;在敏感性分析方面,5 类孕灾因子的敏感性存在较大差异,敏感性由高向低顺序为:高程因子>坡度因子>地质构造因子>地貌因子>地层岩性因子;在易发性分析方面,高易发区的分布面积比例为17.66%, 中易发区的分布 面积比例为30.53% , 低易发区的分布面积比例为28.52%, 非易发区的分布面积比例为23.29% 。通过研究, 可为该县灾害防治提供坚实的理论基础。
文章编号:1005- 8249 (2024) 03- 0086- 06
YANG Zhiqiang , WEI Zhongkai , LI Ruipeng
(The Fourth Geological Exploration Institute of Henan Geology and Mineral Bureau , Zhengzhou 450000 , China)
Abstract : In order to effectively evaluate the sensitivity and susceptibility of different disaster factors to geological disaster development , Mianchi County was taken as an example background to conduct an analysis of its geological disaster pregnant conditions. The sensitivity and susceptibility of geological disaster pregnant factors to disasters were evaluated using the coefficient determination method and information quantity model , respectively. The analysis results show that Mianchi County has relatively many disaster inducing factors , mainly including geomorphic factors , elevation factors , slope factors , tectonics factors and formation lithology factors; In terms of sensitivity analysis , there are great differences in the sensitivity of the five types of hazard factors. The sensitivity order is : elevation factor > slope factor > tectonics factor > geomorphic factor > formation lithology factor; In terms of susceptibility analysis , the distribution area proportion of high susceptibility areas is 17.66% , the distribution area proportion of medium susceptibility areas is 30.53% , the distribution area proportion of low susceptibility areas is 28.52% , and the distribution area proportion of non susceptibility areas is 23.29% . Through the study , a solid theoretical foundation can be provided for disaster prevention and control in Mianchi County.
Keywords : geological hazards; determination of coefficient method; information quantity model; sensitivity; susceptibility
作者简介: 杨智强 (1987—) , 男,本科, 工程师,研究方向 :地质( 水工环地质)。