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Fly Ash Comprehensive Utilization
主管单位: 河北省建筑科学研究院有限公司
主办单位: 河北省建筑科学研究院有限公司

 ● 中国科技核心期刊(中国科技论文统计源期刊)
 ● 中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库期刊
 ● 全国性建材科技期刊
 ● 河北省优秀期刊  
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Study on Roof Subsidence of Filling Mining in Coal Mine


(河北工程大学 土木工程学院,河北 邯郸 056038)

摘 要:充填采矿可以有效控制岩层移动、抑制地表沉陷、减轻地质灾害,并且能够处理或利用一定的固体废弃物,有效地改善矿山上覆岩层的力学环境,减轻顶板压力。以平凉某煤矿为工程背景,研究煤矿充填开采条件下坚硬顶板沉降变形情况,构建了顶板力学模型,对于初期来压采用四边固支的边界条件,利用变分法中伽辽金变形方程求选用不同挠度表达式的解。另对周期来压选用三边固支一边自由的边界条件,采用变分法中里兹变形方程进行求解。得出充填后顶板挠度显著减小,初期来压下减小38.74%,周期来压下减小66.84%。并得到充填开采顶板沉降变形规律,随着充填体弹性模量k值增大,顶板下沉位移显著减小。







GAO Yanning, WANG Xiaolei, LIU Libo, HAN Xiangang

(College of Civil Engineering, Hebei University of Engineering, Handan 056038, China)

Abstract: Filling mining has the effect of controlling the movement of rock layers, curbing surface subsidence, and reducing geological disasters, while it can effectively use part of the solid waste, improve the mechanical environment of rock strata and reduce roof pressure. Taking a coal mine in Pingliang as the engineering background and aiming at the settlement deformation of the hard roof under the coal mine filling mining, the mechanical model of roof plate is constructed for the settlement and deformation of hard roof under the filling mining of coal mine. For the boundary condition of the four-sided solid branch of the initial pressure, the solution of different deflection expressions is selected by using the Galiagin deformation equation in the variational method. In addition, the boundary conditions of three clamped edges and one free edge are used for periodic weighting, and the Ritz deformation equation in the deformation method is used for solving. It is concluded that the roof deflection after filling is significantly reduced, the initial weighting is reduced by 38.74 %, and the periodic weighting is reduced by 66.84 %. At the same time, the sedimentation deformation law of the top plate under the filling and mining can be obtained, and the sinking displacement of the roof plate is significantly reduced as the elastic modulus k value of the filling body increases.

Keywords: roof mechanics model ; rectangular elastic thin plate ; filling mining ; roof settlement ; variation method






