
张发财1,邵 双2,卢 军1,赵 凯1,易明祥1
(1.北京市政路桥股份有限公司,北京 100068;2.北京科技大学 土木与资源工程学院,北京 100083)
摘 要:为了研究相邻地铁基坑开挖过程中的变形特征,本文以北京地铁3号线基坑工程为研究对象,利用Rocscience phase2有限元软件对基坑开挖过程进行数值模拟,并将模拟结果与现场监测数据进行对比分析,探究开挖过程中不同基坑间距对地连墙水平位移、坑外及坑间地表沉降和坑底隆起的影响。研究结果表明:地连墙水平位移近似为“凸肚”形和“弓”字形,随着基坑间距的增大,相邻基坑外侧地连墙水平位移逐渐减小,内侧地连墙水平位移逐渐增大;地表沉降整体呈“凹槽”形,坑间地表沉降值随基坑间距的增大而减小,受相邻基坑开挖叠加效应的影响,坑间地表最大沉降值约为两侧的1.2~1.5倍;坑底隆起表现为中间大、两边小的“帽”形,且受基坑间距变化的影响较小。
ZHANG Facai1,SHAO Shuang2,LU jun1,ZHAO Kai1,YI Mingxiang1
(1.Beijing Municipal Road Bridge Holding (Group) Co. ,Ltd. , Beijing 100068, China;2. School of Civil and Resource Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China)
Abstracts:In order to study the deformation characteristics of the excavation of adjacent subway foundation pits,based on the foundation pit project of Beijing Metro Line 3, the study uses Rocscience phase2 finite element software to simulate the excavation and support process of the foundation pit, compares simulation results with on-site monitoring dates and explores the effects of different pit bottom.The results show that the horizontal displacement of the ground connecting wall is approximately “convex belly type”and “bow type”. With the increase of the pit spacing,the horizontal displacement of the lateral ground connecting wall decreases gradually,and the horizontal displacement of the inner ground connecting wall increases gradually.The overall surface settlement is "groove type", and the surface settlement value between pits decreases with the increase of pit spacing. Affected by the superposition effect of adjacent pit excavation, the maximum surface settlement value between pits is about 1.2~1.5 times that of both sides. The uplift of pit bottom is a "cap shape" with large center and small sides, and is less affected by the change of pit spacing.
Keywords:adjacent foundation pits;pit spacing;deformation characteristics; numerical simulation
- 上一篇:煤矿充填开采下顶板沉降研究*
- 下一篇:水平泥砂互层围岩隧道受力特性及稳定性分析*