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中小跨径梁桥中组合橡胶支座的减隔震性能分析 *
Seismic Isolation Performance Analysis of Composite Rubber Bearings in Middle and Small Span Beam Bridges

杨   巍, 赵永伟2 , 闫永亮2 , 李福林1 , 杨林豪1

( 1. 中交二公局第四工程有限公司 ,河南 洛阳 471000; 2. 河南省鹤新高速公路有限公司 ,河南 郑州 450000)

摘   要: 地震作用下,中小跨径梁桥所用板式橡胶支座易出现滑动 ,使墩梁的位移偏大 ,而组合橡胶支座 的耗能能力及位移能力相对高 。采用拟静力试验及有限元分析探讨了组合橡胶支座 、板式橡胶支座各工况下的地震响应 ,结果表明: 中小跨径梁桥采用组合橡胶支座能够有效防止支座滑动 ,显著降低了桥墩弯矩与支座位移。

关键词: 组合橡胶支座; 减隔震性能; 中小跨径梁桥

中图分类号: U443. 361      

文献标志码: A       

文章编号: 1005-8249 (2024) 01-0150-05

DOI : 10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005-8249.2024.01.026


YANG Wei1 , ZHAO Yongwei 2 , YAN Yongliang 2 , LI Fulin 1 , YANG Linhao 1

( 1. CCCC-SHB Fourth Engineering Co. ,Ltd. ,Luoyang 471000 , China;

2. Henan Hexin Expressway Co. ,Ltd. ,Zhengzhou 450000 , China)

Abstract: The plate type rubber bearing used in middle and small span beam bridge is easy to slide under earthquake, which makes the displacement of pier and beam larger. The energy dissipation capacity and displacement capacity of composite rubber bearing are relatively high. The seismic responses of composite rubber bearing and plate rubber bearing under different working conditions are studied by pseudo-static test and finite element analysis. The results show that composite rubber bearing can effectively prevent the bearing from sliding in middle and small span beam bridges, the bending moment of the pier and the displacement of the bearing are significantly reduced.

Keywords : composite rubber bearings ; shock absorption and isolation performance ; small and medium-sized span beam bridge

∗基金项目: 2021 河南省科技攻关项目  (212102310289) 。

作者简介: 杨巍: ( 1980—) , 男 ,本科 ,高级工程师 ,主要研究方向: 道路桥梁。

收稿日期: 2023-01 -10