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Simulation Research on Earthquake Evacuation of Masonry Structures Based on Incremental Dynamic Analysis

丁   瑶1 ,  徐子祺,  梁智超2 ,  秦天一3

( 1 .  陕西工业职业技术学院 ,陕西 咸阳 712000 ;  2.  河南省地震局 ,河南 郑州 450018 ;

3 . 河南省交通科技研究院 ,河南 郑州 450015)

摘   要 :为研究地震作用下处于砌体结构房屋内人员的疏散能力 ,选取西安市城中村一栋典型砌体结构居 民楼为研究对象 。采用增量动力分析  ( IDA ,  incremental dynamic analysis) ,  使用有限元软件对该居民楼建模 ,输 入 20 条地震波进行时程分析,得到了在地震作用下每层的 IDA 曲线簇,找出在 8 度基本设防烈度地震和罕遇地 震作用下各楼层的倒塌时间 ,这也就是人员可用的有效逃生时间 ,两者对比可以看出人员的伤亡情况 。结果表明 :在 8 度基本设防烈度地震作用下 ,疏散人员所需的安全逃生时间比罕遇地震所需逃生时间少 10 s ,  RSET 为 85 s 至 95 s ;  砌体结构首层最先发生倒塌 ,顶层最后倒塌 ,ASET 为 8 .  72 s 至 10.  89 s ;   有效逃生时间远小于安 全逃生时间 ,不满足安全逃生的条件 ,地震将会造成大量人员伤亡。

关键词 :砌体结构 ;社会力模型 ;增量动力分析 ;所需逃生时间  ( RSET) ;  可用有效逃生时间  ( ASET)

中图分类号 :TU362           

文献标志码 :A            

文章编号 :1005- 8249  (2024)   01- 0155- 08

DOI : 10. 19860/j . cnki . issn1005- 8249. 2024. 01 . 027


DING Yao 1  ,  XU Ziqi2 ,  LIANG Zhichao,  QIN Tianyi3

( 1 . Shaanxi Industrial Vocational and Technical College ,  Xianyang 712000 ,   China;

2. Earthquake Administration of Henan Province ,  Zhengzhou 450018 ,   China;

3 . Henan Provincial Institute of Transportation Science and Technology ,  Zhengzhou 450015 ,   China)

Abstract:In order to study the evacuation ability of people in a masonry structure building under earthquake action, a typical masonry structure residential building in Chengzhong village of Xi 'an city was selected as the research object. incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) was used to model the residential building with finite element software, and 20 seismic waves were input for time history analysis. IDA curve clusters of each floor under earthquake action were obtained. Find out the collapse time of each floor under the action of 8 degree basic fortification intensity earthquake and rare earthquake, which is the ASET, and the comparison of the two can see the casualties of personnel. The results show that under 8 degree earthquake, the evacuation time is 10s less than that under rare earthquake, and the RSET is 85s to 95s. The first floor of masonry structure collapses first, and the top floor collapses last, with ASET ranging from 8.72s to 10.89s. The ASET is far less than RSET, does not meet the conditions of safe escape, the earthquake will cause a large number of casualties.

Keywords: masonry structure; social force model; incremental dynamic analysis; RSET; ASET 

作者简介 :丁瑶  ( 1993—) ,   女 ,硕士研究生 ,主要研究方向 :地震人群疏散仿真。

收稿日期 :2023- 06-28