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SMW工法+环形支撑体系在基坑支护中应用研究 ∗
Application Research of SMW Method & Ring Support System in Foundation Pit Support

崔泽海 ,樊鹏鹏 ,胡发旺 ,李新强 ,栾    蔚 

( 中国建筑第八工程局有限公司 ,甘肃 兰州 730030)

摘   要:SMW 工法桩与环形支撑的联合支护体系逐渐在基坑工程中实际应用,分析其支护效果和支护桩 的受力性能对工程实际具有重要意义 。基于某基坑工程实际 ,运用有限差分程序建立数值模型,分析其降水及 多次开挖工况下土体的位移和支护桩的变形特征 。研究结果表明: 降水工况下,基坑的土体沉降主要集中在开 挖范围内及基坑的边缘处 ,随着开挖的进行 ,基坑边缘土体沉降线呈圆弧状,坑底土体因卸荷会产生回弹,最大回弹值约为 4. 5 mm; 基坑开挖对距边缘 25 m 范围内的土体影响较大,从地表至地下 6. 5 m 影响逐渐减小; 基 坑侧壁的变形随开挖加深而增大,呈现出先增大后减小的趋势,支护桩在坑边中心位置变形最大,承受较多的荷载,且对于环形内支撑体系,整体受力均匀,研究结果可为基坑支护工程提供参考。

关键词: SMW 工法桩; 环形支撑; 基坑支护; 数值模拟

中图分类号: TU 753      

文献标志码: A      

文章编号: 1005-8249 (2023) 06-0008-09

 DOI : 10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005-8249.2023.06.002


CUI Zehai , FAN Pengpeng , HU Fawang , LI Xinqiang , LUAN Wei

( China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Co. ,Ltd. ,Lanzhou 730030 , China)

Abstract: The combined supporting system of SMW pile and ring support is gradually applied in foundation pit engineering. It is of great significance to analyze the supporting effect and the mechanical performance of the supporting pile for engineering practice. Based on the engineering practice of a foundation pit, the finite difference program is used to establish a numerical model to analyze the displacement of soil and the deformation characteristics of supporting piles under dewatering and multiple excavation conditions. The results show that:Under the condition of dewatering, the soil settlement of the foundation pit is mainly concentrated in the excavation range and the edge of the foundation pit. With the excavation, the settlement line of the soil at the edge of the foundation pit is circular. The soil at the bottom of the pit will rebound due to unloading, and the maximum rebound value is about 4.5 mm. The excavation of foundation pit has a great influence on the soil within 25 m from the edge, and the influence gradually decreases from the surface to the underground 6.5 m. The deformation of the side wall of the foundation pit increases with the deepening of excavation, showing a trend of increasing first and then decreasing. The deformation of the supporting pile at the center of the pit is the largest, and it bears more loads. For the annular internal support system, the overall stress is uniform. The research results can provide reference for foundation pit support engineering.

 Keywords : SMW piles ; ring support; foundation pit; numerical simulation

∗基金项目: 中建八局科技研发项目: 高原高寒地区大型会展中心综合建造技术。 

作者简介: 崔泽海  (1990—) , 男 ,高级工程师 ,主要从事建筑施工方面的研究。

通讯作者: 栾蔚  (1987—) , 男 ,高级工程师 ,博士 ,主要从事结构基础施工方面的研究。 

收稿日期: 2023-05-26