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Hamiltonian Dual System for Collaborative Analysis of Mega-braced Frame-core Tube

胡启平1 , 林    凯 1 , 周    娟2

( 1. 河北工程大学 土木工程学院 河北 邯郸; 2. 邯郸职业技术学院 河北 邯郸)

摘   要:在连续化假定的基础上,将带斜撑巨型框架与核心筒分别等效为底端固定 、上端自由的悬臂梁,等效后的悬臂梁具有弯曲刚度和剪切刚度 。将楼板等效成刚性连杆建立带斜撑巨型框架核心筒高层建筑结构协同分析的计算模型 在哈密顿力学体系下对结构进行分析导出哈密顿正则方程采用精细积分法求解结构在侧向力作用下的位移与内力 用这种方法对带斜撑巨型框架核心筒结构进行协同分析 理论推导思路清晰过程简捷 ,数值计算易于编程 、精度较高 。采用本文方法对带斜撑巨型框架-核心筒高层建筑结构进行协同分析 ,可以准确把握结构的整体受力性能 ,在初步设计阶段对结构方案进行试算和快速分析。

关键词: 带斜撑巨型框架核心筒 高层建筑结构计算 哈密顿对偶体系 协同分 精细积分法

中图分类号: TU973. 17      

文献标志码: A      

文章编号: 1005-8249 (2023) 06-0001-07

DOI : 10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005-8249.2023.06.001

HU Qiping , LIN Kai , ZHOU Juan

( 1 . College of Civil Engineering Hebei University of Engineering , Handan 056038 , China;

2. Handan Vocational and Technical College , Handan 056038 , China)

Abstract:On the basis of equivalent continuity , the mega-braced frame-core tube structure are equivalent to cantilever beams with fixed bottom and free top,and the equivalent cantilever beams have bending stiffness and shear stiffness;The floor slab is equivalent to a rigid connecting rod, and a calculation model for collaborative analysis of mega-braced frame-core tube structure is established。The structure is analyzed under Hamilton mechanics system, Hamilton canonical equation is derived, and the displacement and internal force of the structure under lateral force are solved by precise integration method.This method is used for collaborative analysis of mega-frame-core tube structure with diagonal braces. The theoretical deduction idea is clear, the process is simple, the numerical calculation is easy to program and the accuracy is high. In this paper, the collaborative analysis of mega-frame-core tube high-rise building structure with diagonal braces is adopted, which can accurately grasp the overall mechanical performance of the structure, and make trial calculation and rapid analysis of the structural scheme in the preliminary design stage.

Keywords : mega - braced frame - core tube ; calculation of high - rise building structure ;  coordination analysis ; Hamiltonian dual system; precise integration method


∗基金项目: 河北省自然科学基金资助项目  (E2016402110) 。

作者简介: 胡启平  ( 1963—) , 男 ,硕士 ,教授 ,主要研究方向为力学与建筑结构。

通信作者: 林凯  (1997—) , 男 ,硕士 ,研究方向为建筑土木。         收稿日期: 2023-07-12