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Study on Distribution Model of Horizontal Resistance of Soil Mass in Gravel Soil Slope Site

彭    麟 1   ,   陈继彬2 , 3

( 1 .  江苏联合职业技术学院南京分院 ,江苏 南京 210000;  2.  成都工业学院 , 四川 成都 610031 ;

3 . 成都理工大学 , 四川 成都 610059)

摘   要 :碎石土斜坡场地因坡度不同,水平抗力的大小差异明显,斜坡坡度对土体水平抗力的影响能否保 证工程结构安全稳定 ,其如何弱化土体水平抗力的仍需探明 。本文以碎石土斜坡土体为研究对象,通过开展桩 基室内水平静载荷试验,深入分析不同坡度( 斜坡坡0 ~ 45 ° )  对桩侧土体水平抗力分布规律的影响 。研究表明:因不同深度土体抗力发挥程度的时效性,土体抗力随深度 、位移的分布形式可按土体进入极限抗力状态的不同分为三个阶段;在抗力极值深度以上斜坡场地与水平场地下两者土体抗力极值比值近似 1/1+ tanθ 关系, 以下近似为 1 ,  这也充分说明斜坡坡度对桩侧土体抵抗桩身变形能力具有弱化效应;进一步参考坡度对桩侧土体 抗力的变化的影响,给出了各土体极限抗力p u 和土体抗力系数 kx 等参数的取值方法 。本研究对斜坡场地结构水平抗力计算的取值有一定的借鉴作用 ,具一定的实际价值。

关键词 :斜坡 ;碎石土 ;水平抗力 ;坡度弱化效应

中图分类号 :TU44           

文献标志码 :A           

       文章编号 1005- 8249  (2023)   06- 0017- 08

DOI : 10. 19860/j . cnki . issn1005- 8249. 2023 . 06. 003

PENG Lin 1  ,  CHEN Jibin2 , 3

( 1 . Nanjing Branch of Jiangsu United Vocational and Technical College ,   Nanjing 210000 ,   China;

2. Chengdu Technological University ,   Chengdu ,  610031 ;

3. Chengdu University of Technology ,   Chengdu 610059 ,   China)

Abstract :   Due to different slopes of gravel soil slope site, the magnitude of horizontal resistance varies obviously. Whether the impact of slope slope on soil horizontal resistance can ensure the safety and stability of engineering structure and how to weaken soil horizontal resistance still need to be proved. Taking the gravelly soil slope soil as the research object, through the indoor horizontal static load test of pile foundation, this paper deeply analyzes the influence of different slope (slope slope 0 ° ~ 45 °) on the distribution law of horizontal resistance of pile side soil. The tests reflect that the comprehensive distribution form of soil resistance with depth and displacement could be carved out  three phases according to the different conditions of soil entering the limit resistance state, all of which have a certain timeliness due to the different depth of soil resistance; Above the extreme resistance depth, the ratio of the extreme resistance of the underground soil of the slope site and the horizontal field is approximately 1/1+tanθ. And the following is approximately 1, which also fully shows that the slope gradient has a weakening effect on the resistance of soil around the pile to pile deformation; Further referring to the influence of slope on the change of soil resistance at the pile side, the value methods of soil ultimate resistance Pu and soil resistance coefficient KX are given. This study has a certain reference value for the calculation of horizontal resistance of slope site structure, and has a certain practical value.

Keywords :  slope ;   gravel soil;   horizontal resistance ;   slope weakening effect

作者简介 :彭麟  (1980—) ,  本科 ,高级工程师 ,从事土木工程方向。

通信作者 :陈继彬  (1987—) ,  博士 ,高级工程师 ,研究方向为岩土工程。

收稿日期 :2023- 02-21