刘 寅辉1 , 曹 敬2
( 1 . 河北工程大学建筑与艺术学院 ,河北 邯郸 056000; 2. 河北建研建筑设计有限公司 ,河北 石家庄 050000)
摘 要 :乡村振兴为我国当前的一项基本国策,而历史聚落保护越来越受到重视,传统聚落的肌理蕴含着历史上社会、经济和文化的历史特征信息,在当代历史聚落保护中最容易被忽视和破坏,因此探讨如何客观性分析传统肌理的特征,并加以保护和再利用成为当前保护实践的重点和难点。本文以涉县宋家村为例,对传统聚落的肌理进行梳理,通过ArcGIS 平台对历史聚落的基本信息建立数据库 ,并对传统肌理的进行客观性分析, 以提出科学合理的肌理强度保护策略 。同时,借助空间句法的分析手段,对历史聚落的更新提出客观依据,从而更好地延续历史聚落的传统肌理,展示历史聚落的传统风貌。
关键词 :传统肌理;历史廊道 ;ArcGIS 分析 ;空间句法
中图分类号 :TU982. 29
文献标志码 :A
文章编号 :1005- 8249 (2023) 03- 0021- 07
DOI : 10. 19860/j . cnki . issn1005- 8249. 2023 . 03 . 021
LIU Yinhui 1 , CAO Jing2
( 1 . School of Architecture and Art , Hebei University of Engineering , Handan 056000 , China;
2. Hebei Jianyan Architectural Design Co. ,Ltd. ,Shijiazhuang 050000 , China)
Abstract :Rural revitalization has become a basic national policy in China at this time,and the conservation of historical settlements is getting more and more attention. The texture of traditional communities contains information on historical social , economic and cultural characteristics , which are most easily neglected and destroyed in contemporary historic settlement conservation. Therefore , it has become a key point and difficulty in the current conservation practice to explore how to obJectively analyze the characteristics of traditional fabric and to protect and reuse it. Taking Songjia Village in Shexian county as an example , this paper composes the texture of the traditional settlement and establishes a database of the basic information of the historical settlement through the ArcGIS platform. Through the obJective analysis of the traditional fabric , we can propose a scientific and reasonable conservation strategy for the intensity of the fabric. At the same time , with the help of spatial syntax analysis , the obJective basis for the renewal of the historical settlement is proposed. In this way , the traditional texture of the historical settlement can be better continued and the traditional appearance of the historical settlement can be displayed.
Keywords : traditional texture ; historical corridor; ArcGIS analysis ; spatial syntax
作者简介 :刘寅辉 (1972—) 男,博士,硕士生导师,国家一级注册建筑师 。主要从事遗产保护和城市更新研究。
通信作者 :曹敬 (1984—) , 女,本科,高级工程师 。主要从事规划设计与建筑设计的研究与实践。
收稿日期 :2023- 05- 09