
秦 磊1 , 张 静2 , 张 贺3 , 刘军达4 , 王 华5
(1 . 北京城建勘测设计研究院有限责任公司 ,北京 100101 ; 2. 川藏铁路有限公司 , 四川 成都 610031 ;
3 . 中交铁道设计研究总院有限公司 ,北京 100088 ; 4. 中建交通建设集团有限公司 ,北京 100071 ;
5 . 中铁二十五局集团有限公司 ,广东 广州 510600)
摘 要 :为了推求基于参数估算法的车站围护结构水平位移,以南京市某地铁车站深基坑工程为研究对象, 采用解析计算法求解土层的有效内摩擦角和静止土压力系数,并与室内试验结果进行对比;采用现场监测的得到基坑变形实测值, 与基于解析计算得到的车站围护结构的水平位移进行对比。结果表明: 基于 Mayne 和 Campanella计算得到的结果具有较高的预估精度,可适用于南京地区砂性土的有效内摩擦角计算;Hossain 公式的静止侧压力系数计算精度比 Baldi 公式更高,预测误差在 ±20% 范围内,室内试验低估了土层的静止侧压力系 数 ;基于孔压静力触探参数和扁铲侧胀参数求解的地下连续墙水平位移与实测值接近,实测值与计算值的绝对 比值范围为 0. 90 ~ 1 . 54 。
关键词:静力触探试验 ;扁铲侧胀试验 ;深基坑工程 ;原位测试 ;参数分析 ;位移预测
文章编号: 1005- 8249 (2024) 06- 0084- 05
DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.06.016
QIN Lei 1 , ZHANG Jing2 , ZHANG He3 , LIU Junda4 , WANG Hua5
(1.Beijing Urban Construction Explorationg & Surveying Design Research Institute Co. ,Ltd. ,Beijing 100101 , China;
2. Sichuan Tibet Railway Co. ,Ltd. ,Chengdu 610031 , China; 3. CCCC Railway Consultants Group Co. ,Ltd ,
Beijing 100088 , China; 4. China Construction Communications Engrg. Group Corp. Ltd. ,Beijing 100071 , China;
5 . China Railway 25th Bureau Group Corporation Limited , Guangzhou 510600 , China)
Abstract: In order to calculate the horizontal displacement of the station enclosure structure based on parameter estimation method, a deep foundation pit project of a subway station in Nanjing was taken as the research object. The effective internal friction angle and static soil pressure coefficient of the soil layer were solved using analytical calculation method, and compared with indoor test results; Compare the measured deformation values of the foundation pit obtained through on-site monitoring with the horizontal displacement of the station enclosure structure obtained based on analytical calculations. The results indicate that the results calculated based on Mayne and Campanella have high estimation accuracy and can be applied to calculate the effective internal friction angle of sandy soils in the Nanjing area; The calculation accuracy of the static lateral pressure coefficient of Hossain formula is higher than that of Baldi formula, with a prediction error within ± 20%. Indoor experiments underestimated the static lateral pressure coefficient of soil layers; The horizontal displacement of the underground continuous wall solved based on the static penetration parameters of pore pressure and the lateral expansion parameters of the flat shovel is close to the measured values, and the absolute ratio range of the measured values to the calculated values is 0.90-1.54.
Keywords : piezocone penetration test; flat dilatometer test; deep foundation pit engineering; in - situ test; shear strength; displacement prediction
作者简介:秦 磊 (1987—) , 男 ,本科 ,高级工程师 ,研究方向:岩土工程勘察。
通信作者: 张 静 (1983—) , 男 ,本科 ,高级工程师 ,研究方向:桥梁工程施工及建设管理。
收稿日期:2023- 10- 25