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Practice and Discussion of Double- row Piles Retaining Structure for Deep Excavation in Xiong ’an New Area

赵玉成1  ,  代兆宇1  ,  夏瑞萌2  ,  娄海成2

( 1 .  石家庄铁道大学 土木工程学院 ,河北 石家庄 050043 ; 2.  北京城建设计集团股份有限公司 ,北京 100037)

摘   要:为研究双排桩支护在雄安新区典型地层下的承载与变形特性,指导后续工程建设, 以桩顶竖向位移、水平位移和桩体水平位移为主要分析项目。通过现场监测与软件计算的方式,对双排桩支护方式在该地区 地质条件下的响应特性进行了系统研究。结果表明: 双排桩桩顶竖向位移整体以隆起为主,且前排桩隆起明显大于后排桩 ;前排桩变形相比于后排桩的变形较大,系梁存在受压或受拉两种状态 ;基坑下半部分土体开挖阶 段桩顶水平位移增长迅速 ;前后排桩桩身变形形态受系梁的拉结作用明显,具有明显差异。

关键词:双排桩支护 ;监测数据 ;桩体位移 ;冠梁刚度



文章编号: 1005- 8249   (2024)  06- 0079- 06 

DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.06.015


ZHAO Yucheng1  ,  DAI Zhaoyu1  ,  XIA Ruimeng2 ,  LOU Haicheng2

( 1 . School of Civil Engineering ,  Shijiazhuang Tiedao University ,  Shijiazhuang 050043 ,  China;  2. Beijing Urban Construction Design & Development Group Co. ,Ltd. ,Beijing 100037 ,  China)

Abstract:In order to study the bearing and deformation characteristics of double-row piles retaining structure under the typical stratum of Xiong’an New Area and guide the subsequent construction. A foundation pit project in the Xiong’an New Area, where double-row piles retaining structure was used for the first time, was taken as the research object, with vertical displacement of pile top, horizontal displacement of pile top and horizontal displacement of pile body as the main analysis items. The response characteristics of the double-row piles retaining structure method in the soil and water environment of the area were systematically studied by means of field monitoring and software calculation. The study shows that the vertical displacement of the top of the double-row pile is mainly elevated, and the elevation of the front-row pile is significantly larger than that of the back-row pile. The deformation of the front row piles is larger than that of the rear row piles, and the tie beam exists in two states of compression or tension. The horizontal displacement of pile tops in the excavation stage of the lower half of the foundation pit grows rapidly. The deformation patterns of the front and rear piles are significantly different by the tensile effect of the tie beam. The simplified model in the current calculation software is too simple, and both the calculated deformation values and deformation patterns are significantly different from the monitoring data.

Keywords :  double- row piles retaining structure;  monitoring data; pile displacement; top beam stiffness

作者简介:赵玉成  (1969—) ,  男 ,教授 ,研究方向:城市地下工程理论与应用。

通信作者:夏瑞萌  (1983—) ,  男 ,教授级高级工程师 ,研究方向:地下工程设计。

收稿日期:2023- 06- 09