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黄土水泥复合材料的孔隙结构演化与强度特征研究 *
Pore Structure Evolution and Strength Characteristics of Loess Cement Composites with Different Content

宋连喜1  ,  王忠伟1  ,  李鹏飞2 ,  孙    强3

( 1 .  国家能源集团煤焦化有限责任公司 , 内蒙古 乌海 016000 ;  2.  辽宁工程技术大学 矿业学院,

辽宁 阜新 123000 ;  3 .  西安科技大学 煤炭绿色开采地质研究院 ,陕西 西安710054)

摘   要 :黄土作为一种孔隙结构发育的特殊土壤 ,具有渗透性 、湿陷性 、崩解性等特性 ,容易引发地面裂  缝 、地表的不均匀沉降等问题。通过氮气吸附 、硬度测试和 SEM 等室内试验对不同掺量水泥黄土孔隙结构和强  度特征进行研究。结果表明: 随着水泥掺量的逐渐增大 ,黄土水泥复合材料总孔容逐渐降低 ,水泥掺量为 25%   时总孔容较水泥掺量为10% 时降低了40% ;  黄土水泥复合材料压痕硬度和强度与水泥掺量存在明显的正相关性, 通过 SEM 从微观角度直观分析得出黄土水泥复合材料是通过改变土体颗粒大小 、形状 、连接方式 ,胶结物填充  状态等来改变原土体的物理力学性质。研究可为黄土地区注浆材料的研发提供技术参考。

关键词:水泥改良土 ;氮气吸附 ;扫描电镜 ;孔隙结构 ;土体强度



文章编号: 1005- 8249   (2024)  04- 0047- 06

 DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005-8249.2024.04.009


SONG Lianxi 1  ,  WANG Zhongwei 1  ,  LI Pengfei 2 ,  SUN Qiang 3

( 1 . National Energy Group Coal Coking Co. ,Ltd. ,Wuhai 016031 ,  China;  2. College  of Mining ,

Liaoning Technical University ,  Fuxin 123000 ,  China;  3 . Geological  Research  Institute for Coal

Green Mining ,  Xi ’an University of Science and Technology ,  Xi ’an 710054 ,  China)

Abstract: As a special soil with a well-developed pore structure, loess has characteristics such us permeability,collapsibility,and disintegration,which can easily lead to problems like ground fissures and uneven settlement of the surface.The pore structure and strength characteristics of loess with different dosage of cement were investigated by indoor tests such us nitrogen adsorption,hardness test and SEM.The results showed that the total pore volume of loess cement composites gradually decreased with the gradual increase of cement content,and the total pore volume decreased by 40% at 25% cement doping compared with that at 10% cement content;The indentation hardness and strength of loess cement composites have obvious positive correlation with the cement content,and the physical and mechanical properties of the original soil are changed by changing the size,shape,connection and cement filling state of the soil particles through SEM.The study can provide a technical reference for the research and development of grouting materials in loess areas.

Keywords :  cement- amended soil;  nitrogen adsorption;  SEM ;  pore  structure;  soil  strength

*基金项目: 国家自然科学基金  (41972288) 。

作者简介:宋连喜  (1966—) ,  男 ,硕士 ,高级工程师 ,研究方向:煤矿机电 、自动化和智能化研究。 

通信作者:李鹏飞  (1995—) ,  男 ,博士 ,副教授 ,研究方向: 工程地质 、岩石力学和环境地质研究。

收稿日期:2023- 08- 07