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玻璃纤维增强橡胶粉/SBS 复合改性沥青混合料路用性能试验研究
Experimental Study on Road Performance of Glass Fiber Reinforced Rubber Powder/SBS Composite Modified Asphalt Mixture

何    宇


( 云南省交通规划设计研究院有限公司 ,云南 昆明 650011)

摘   要 :为了改善橡胶粉/SBS 复合改性沥青混合料的服役性能,将不同掺量的玻璃纤维掺入橡胶粉/SBS 沥 青混合料中进行改性 ,采用马歇尔强度试验 、劈裂试验 、高温车辙试验 、低温弯曲试验、浸水马歇尔试验以及 冻融劈裂试验,系统考察了不同玻璃纤维掺量对橡胶粉/SBS 复合改性沥青混合料力学性能及路用性能的影响规律。结果表明:随着玻璃纤维掺量的增加 ,橡胶粉/SBS 复合改性沥青混合料的马歇尔稳定度 、劈裂强度 、浸水残留稳定度及冻融劈裂强度比均逐渐增大 ,动稳定度和最大弯拉应变均随着玻璃纤维掺量增加呈先增大后减小 变化 ,而劲度模量则随之呈先减小后增大变化 ;玻璃纤维掺入能够有效改善橡胶粉/SBS 复合改性沥青混合料的 力学性能及路用性能 ,但掺入过量则会对高温抗车辙性能和低温抗裂性能有所不利 ,玻璃纤维最佳掺量为 0. 3% ,  有利于提升橡胶粉/SBS 复合改性沥青混合料的综合服役质量及使用性能。

关键词:沥青混合料 ;玻璃纤维 ;橡胶粉/SBS;  力学性能 ;路用性能



文章编号: 1005- 8249   (2024)  04- 0138- 04 

DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.04.025



(Yunnan Transportation Planning and Design Research Institute Co. ,Ltd. ,Kunming 650011 ,  China ) 

Abstract: In order to improve the service performance of rubber powder / SBS composite modified asphalt mixture, different amounts of glass fiber were mixed into rubber powder / SBS asphalt mixture for modification. The effects of different glass fiber contents on the mechanical properties and road performance of rubber powder / SBS composite modified asphalt mixture were systematically investigated by Marshall strength test, splitting test, high temperature rutting test, low temperature bending test, immersion Marshall test and freeze-thaw splitting test. The results show that with the increase of glass fiber content, the mechanical properties and road performance of rubber powder / SBS composite modified asphalt mixture are improved. The Marshall stability, splitting strength, immersion residual stability and freeze-thaw splitting strength ratio of rubber powder / SBS composite modified asphalt mixture gradually increase. The dynamic stability and maximum flexural tensile strain increase first and then decrease with the increase of glass fiber content.The incorporation of glass fiber can effectively improve the mechanical properties and road performance of rubber powder / SBS composite modified asphalt mixture, but excessive incorporation will be detrimental to high temperature rutting resistance and low temperature crack resistance. The optimum content of glass fiber is 0.3 %, which is beneficial to improve the comprehensive service quality and performance of rubber powder / SBS composite modified asphalt mixture.

Keywords: asphalt mixture; glass fiber; rubber powder/SBS; mechanical properties; road performance

作者简介:何   宇  (1975—) ,  男 ,本科 ,高级工程师 ,研究方向: 工程勘察 、设计 、试验 、检测。

收稿日期:2023- 03- 05