邱 畅 ,徐佳炜 , 易 阳
( 上海浦东建设股份有限公司 ,上海 201206)
摘 要 :利用三维声纳渗流检测技术,通过事先埋设在围护结构内部的测试孔以及坑外补打的测试孔 ,对某项目灌注桩排桩围护墙结构进行开挖前的渗漏测试,提供了测试范围内的渗透流速 、流量 、流向等指标。并对两次不同降水深度情况下的测试结果进行了对比分析。结果表明:该技术在上海地区高水位软土饱和地基中得到了比较成功的应用,不同降水深度对测试结果有较大的影响,但均判断出了渗漏点,后续仍需积累经验,为该种方法在上海地区的进一步推广应用提供参考。
关键词:灌注桩排桩 ;三维声纳 ;测试孔 ;渗漏测试 ;渗透流速
文章编号: 1005- 8249 (2024) 04- 0102- 04
DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.04.018
QIU Chang , XU Jiawei , YI Yang
(Shanghai Pudong Construction Co. ,Ltd. ,Shanghai 201206 , China)
Abstract: Using the 3D sonar seepage detection technology, through the test holes embedded in and outside the foundation pit structure in advance, the seepage test before excavation is carried out. The two tests of different dewatering depths are compared and analyzed, and the seepage velocity, flow direction within the test range is provided. The results show that this technology has been successfully applied to the saturated soft soil foundation with high water level in Shanghai. Different precipitation depths have great influence on the test results but the leakage points are determined. Experience needs to be accumulated in the future to provide reference for the further promotion and application of this method in Shanghai.
Keywords:contiguous bored pile wall; 3D sonar seepage detection; test hole; seepage test; seepage velocity
作者简介: 邱 畅 (1975—) , 男 ,博士 ,高级工程师。研 究方向:建筑工程施工领域的相关研究。
收稿日期:2022- 12- 24