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 ● 中国科技核心期刊(中国科技论文统计源期刊)
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Deformation and Damage Mechanism and Joint Support Technology for Deep Soft Multi- sectional Roadways


( 陕西铁道工程勘察有限公司 ,陕西 西安 710000)

摘   要 :为解决松软多节理巷道大变形问题 ,以象山矿21501 运输巷道为工程实例 ,通过现场勘测及钻孔窥视,分析了巷道围岩变形破坏机制及塑性区范围。基于三软煤层巷道围岩控制理论,提出了“超前管棚 +长锚 索 + W 钢带/工字钢+双层网 ”优化支护方案 ,通过数值模拟和工程实践验证支护方案的可行性。结果表明:采用优化支护方案后 ,巷道两帮及顶底板收敛速度得到有效降低,巷道两帮及顶底板收敛量分别为133. 2 、175. 5 mm , 保证了松软多节理巷道的长期稳定。

关键词:松软多节理 ;大变形 ;钻孔窥视 ;围岩控制 ;长期稳定



文章编号: 1005- 8249  (2024)  04- 0097- 06 

DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.04.017


WANG Donghong

(Shaanxi Railway Engineering Survey Co. ,Ltd. ,Xi ’an 710000 ,  China)

Abstract: In order to solve the problem of large deformation of soft and multi-jointed roadway, 21501 transport roadway of Xiangshan Mine is taken as an engineering example, and the deformation and damage mechanism of the roadway perimeter rock and the range of plastic zone are analysed through on-site investigation and drilling peeping. Based on the theory of three-soft coal seam roadway rock control, the optimised support scheme of "over-head pipe shed + long anchor cable + W steel belt / I-beam + double-layer mesh" is proposed, and the feasibility of the support scheme is verified through numerical simulation and engineering practice. The test results show that after adopting the optimised support scheme, the convergence speed of the two gangs and the top and bottom plates of the roadway is effectively reduced, and the convergence amount of the two gangs and the top and bottom plates of the roadway is 133.2 mm and 175.5 mm respectively, which ensures that the loose and soft multi-jointed roadway can be protected.This ensures the long-term stability of the loose and soft multi-jointed roadway.

Keywords: soft multi-sectional; large deformation; borehole peeping; surrounding rock control; long-term stability

作者简介: 王东红  (1987—) ,   男 ,本科 , 工程师 ,研究方向 :岩土工程勘察工作。

收稿日期:2023- 06- 12