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The Influence of Rock Mass Disturbance on the Stability of Rock Slope based on Hoek- Brown Failure Criterion

沈   宁1  ,  宗   亮2 ,  李   萌3  ,  谢东武4

( 1 .  中水华东规划设计有限公司 , 山东 济南 250100 ;  2.  水发规划设计有限公司 , 山东 济南 250100 ; 3 .  济南市水文中心 , 山东 济南 250014 ;  4.  同济大学 土木工程学院地下建筑与工程系 ,上海 200092)

摘   要 :在岩石边坡工程中,岩体内部应力的释放可能诱发断裂和扰动 ,尤其是在爆破作业期间 ,这种扰 动效应尤为突出。考虑到岩体扰动的影响 ,采用 Hoek- Brown 破坏准则 ,通过有限元和极限解析法 ,系统评估了扰动因子和边坡坡度对边坡潜在滑动面及其稳定性的影响。结果表明:扰动因子和边坡角度显著影响岩石边坡  的稳定性 ,特别是在岩质较差的边坡中 ,这一影响更加显著 ;扰动水平可能被视为常数或沿边坡呈线性变化, 若在稳定性评估中忽视岩体扰动的影响 ,可能导致稳定系数的估值偏大;不同扰动因素情况下切岩边坡的上限塑性区域 ,均质边坡的破坏面  (D = 常数)更浅 ;破坏面的顶部从坡顶向斜面靠近,但破坏模式仍为边坡趾部破坏 ;仅降低边坡角度并不能确保边坡的稳定性 ,在岩体边坡稳定性评价中,必须全面考虑动因子的作用。

关键词:Hoek- Brown 破坏准则 ;切岩边坡 ;稳定性系数 ;岩体扰动



文章编号: 1005- 8249   (2024)  04- 0040- 08 

DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.04.008


SHEN Ning1  ,  ZONG Liang2 ,  LI Meng3  ,  XIE Dongwu4

( 1 . Eastern China Water Conservancy Design Co. ,Ltd. ,Jinan 250100 ,  China;   2. Shuifa Planning & Design Co. ,Ltd. ,Jinan 250100 ,  China;  3 . Jinan  Center of Hydrology ,  Jinan 250014 ,  China;  4. Department of Underground Architecture and Engineering ,

School of Civil Engineering ,  Tongji University ,  Shanghai 200092 ,  China)

Abstract: In rock slope engineering, the release of internal stress within the rock mass can induce fractures and disturbances, especially during blasting operations, where these disturbance effects are particularly pronounced. Considering the impact of rock mass disturbances, this study systematically evaluates the influence of disturbance factors and slope angles on the potential sliding surface and stability of slopes using the Hoek-Brown failure criterion, finite element method, and limit analysis method. The results indicate that disturbance factors and slope angles significantly affect the stability of rock slopes, especially in slopes with poorer rock quality, where this impact is more pronounced. The disturbance level may be considered constant or vary linearly along the slope. Ignoring the impact of rock mass disturbances in stability assessments may lead to overestimation of the stability factor. Under different disturbance factors, the upper plastic zone of the cut rock slope and the failure surface of the homogeneous slope (D = constant) are shallower. The top of the failure surface moves closer to the slope from the crest, but the failure mode remains toe failure of the slope. Simply reducing the slope angle does not ensure slope stability. In the evaluation of rock slope stability, the role of disturbance factors must be comprehensively considered.

Keywords: Hoek-Brown failure criterion; cut rock slope; stability coefficient; rock mass disturbance

*基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目  (41977227) 。

作者简介:沈   宁  (1981 —)  男 ,本科 ,高级工程师 ,研究方向:水利工程规划设计。 

通信作者:谢东武  (1980—)  男 ,博士 ,高级工程师 ,研究方向:地下建筑工程。

收稿日期:2023- 04- 20