
刘林田 ,周钦龙 ,林家兴 ,杨彤薇
( 山东送变电工程有限公司 , 山东 济南 250000)
摘 要 :变电站防火墙的砌体填充墙多采用加气混凝土 ,将硅泥加入加气混凝土砌块,可以有效消耗废弃物、 保护资源。基于此,制备了不同硅泥掺量的加气混凝土试件,开展干密度、孔隙率和导热性能测试 ,研究硅泥加气混凝土的热工性能、抗冻性能和耐火性能。结果表明:加气混凝土的干密度、孔隙率、抗压强度和导热系数分 别随硅泥掺量的增大而减小、增大、减小和减小;硅泥掺量 42% ~ 66% 加气混凝土砌块的耐火极限均可达 3 h 以上 ,可用来构建变电站防火墙的砌体填充墙。为了保证加气混凝土的抗冻性能 ,建议硅泥掺量范围为48%~ 60% 。
关键词:变电站 ;硅泥加气混凝土 ;密度 ;孔隙率 ;抗压强度 ;导热系数 ;耐火性能
中图分类号:TU528 . 2
文章编号: 1005- 8249 (2024) 04- 0036- 04
DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.04.007
LIU Lintian , ZHOU Qinlong , LIN Jiaxing , YANG Tongwei
(Shandong Electrical Power Supply & Transformation Engineering Co. ,Ltd. ,Jinan 250000 , China)
Abstract: The masonry infill wall of substation firewall mostly adopts aerated concrete. Adding silica mud to aerated concrete can effectively consume waste and protect resources. Based on this, aerated concrete specimens with different amounts of silica mud were prepared, and the dry density, porosity and thermal conductivity were tested. The thermal performance, frost resistance and fire resistance of aerated concrete with silica mud were studied. The test results show that: the dry density, porosity, compressive strength and thermal conductivity of aerated concrete decrease, increase, decrease and decrease with the increase of silica mud content, respectively. The fire resistance limit of aerated concrete block can reach more than 3 h under the condition of 42% ~ 66% silica mud addition, which can be used to construct the masonry infilled wall of substation firewall. In order to ensure the frost resistance of aerated concrete, it is recommended that the amount of silica mud added should be in the range of 48% ~ 60%.
Keywords: substation; silica mud aerated concrete; density; porosity; compressive strength; thermal conductivity; fire resistance
作者简介: 刘林田 (1982—) , 男 ,硕士 , 高级工程师 ,研 究方向:变电站工程施工及管理。
收稿日期:2023- 05- 25