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Research on Data Integration of Construction Engineering Geological Investigation Based on Multidimensional Association Rules



( 河南省地质局生态环境地质服务中心 ,河南 郑州   450000)

摘   要 :随着建筑工程复杂性的增加,对地质勘察数据的精确整合等各方面提出了更高要求。为解决建筑工程地质勘察数据整合问题,运用频繁模式增长树策略提取多维关联规则以优化数据质量,并采用倒数距离加权插值法构建高精度三维地质体模型。同时,以C 语言编程优化模型,实现与地质模型的精确拟合。结果表明: 运用该方法在工程勘察中整合地质数据 ,提高了叠置规则精确度 ,实现BIM 模型与地质体的高度一体化。该方法为地质勘察数据整合与 BIM 模型构建提供了新的有效路径,具有显著的应用潜力和推广价值。

关键词:多维关联规则 ;地质勘察 ;数据整合 ;3D 建模 ;地质模型

中图分类号:P642. 4           


文章编号: 1005- 8249   (2024)  04- 0164- 05 

DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.04.030


ZHAO Junpeng

(Ecological Environmental Geology Service Center of Henan Provincial Bureau of Geology ,  Zhengzhou 450000 ,  China)

Abstract:With the increasing complexity of construction projects, higher requirements are put forward on various aspects such as accurate integration of geological survey data.In order to solve the problem of integrating geological survey data for construction projects, the frequent pattern growth tree strategy is used to extract multidimensional association rules to optimize the data quality, and the inverse distance weighted interpolation method is used to construct a high-precision three-dimensional geological body model. At the same time, the model  is optimized by C language programming to achieve accurate fitting with the geological model. The results show that using this method to integration of geological survey data and BIM model construction ,which has significant application potential and promotion value.

Keywords: multidimensional association rules;geological investigation; data integration; 3D modeling; geological model

作者简介: 赵君鹏  (1978—) ,   男 ,本科,工程师 ,研究方向 :水文地质 、工程地质和环境地质。

收稿日期:2023- 03- 10