
( 河北省高速公路延崇管理中心 ,河北 张家口 075000)
摘 要: 因高速公路隧道在使用过程中容易产生横向、纵向形变,易产生高速公路隧道安全问题,为此, 提出一种基于内壁点云切片坐标的高速公路隧道整体变形监测方法。采用投影平面方式将内壁实现点云信息分层,令各段点云映射到中心位置的参考平面,提取内壁点云信息,运用最小二乘法拟合隧道平面,使用格网化内插值算出各点云内插值,通过各时间点网格内插值变化情况,判断出该隧道变形相关量,根据网格平面所在位置得出变形位置,完成隧道整体变形监测。结果表明:所提方法的监测信息数量和计算时间分别为9921个和 6. 21s , 能够敏锐感知细微隧道变形,监测效率最高,具有较高实用性与有效性,该方法可有效提高高速公路隧 道交通运行的安全性。
中图分类号:U456. 3 + 1
文章编号:1005- 8249 (2024) 03- 0146- 06
DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.03 .028
ZHANG Zhigang , JIA Huichao , LI Zhida
(Hebei Expressway Yanchong Management Center , Zhangjiakou 075000 , China)
Abstract : Because of the complexity of highway tunnel structure , it is easy to produce transverse and longitudinal deformation in the use process , resulting in low safety of highway tunnel. For this reason , a method for monitoring the overall deformation of expressway tunnels based on the slice coordinates of point clouds on the inner wall is proposed. The projection plane method is used to layer the point cloud information on the inner wall , so that each segment of the point cloud is mapped to the reference plane of the center position , and the point cloud information on the inner wall is extracted. The least square method is used to fit the highway tunnel plane , and the grid interpolation is used to calculate the interpolation of each point cloud. Through the change of the grid interpolation at each time point , the deformation related quantity of the tunnel is judged , and the deformation position is obtained according to the location of the grid plane , Complete the overall deformation monitoring of expressway tunnels. The experimental results show that the amount of monitoring information and the calculation time of the proposed method are 9921 and 6. 21s respectively , which can sensitively perceive the subtle tunnel deformation. The monitoring efficiency is the highest , and the method has high practicability and effectiveness. The method can effectively improve the safety of highway tunnel traffic operation in various cities.
Keywords : slice coordinates of inner wall point cloud; tunnel deformation monitoring; cross section fitting;dimension reduction of inner wall point cloud; grid interpolation
*基金项目:河北省科技成果转化专项 (202053012) 。
作者简介: 张志刚 (1973—) , 男,本科,教授级高级工程师,研究方向:道路桥梁工程。