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Design and Performance Analysis of Heavy Traffic Pavement based on SMA-13 Gradation

王英帅1   ,  万    超2

( 1 . 郑州路桥建设投资集团有限公司 ,河南 郑州 450000;

2. 河南工业贸易职业学院 ,河南 郑州 450000)

摘   要 :重载交通沥青路面对于混合料的级配及材料组成要求较高 ,研究采用 AC- 13 和 SMA- 13 两种不同级配分别制备掺和不掺抗车辙剂的沥青混合料,探究不同级配组成混合料间的性能差异 ,主要考察了沥青混合料的动稳定度 、残留稳定度 、冻融劈裂强度比及劈裂寿命 ,研究表明 SMA- 13 级配沥青混合料的高温稳定性、低温抗裂性及抗疲劳性能较好 ,抗车辙剂材料的加入能整体提升混合料 15%以上的综合性能 ,建议重载交通沥青路面采用 SMA- 13 级配和抗车辙剂 ,可实现重载沥青路面长期的健康稳定发展。

关键词 :级配设计 ;重载交通 ;路用性能 ;抗车辙剂

中图分类号 :U416           

文献标志码 :A            

文章编号 :1005- 8249  (2023)   06- 0070- 06

DOI : 10. 19860/j . cnki . issn1005- 8249. 2023 . 06. 011

WANG Yingshuai 1  ,  WAN Chao 2

(1 . Zhengzhou  Road and Bridge Construction and Investment Group Co. ,Ltd. ,Zhengzhou 450000 ,   China;

2. Henan Industrial and Trade Vocational College ,  Zhengzhou 450000 ,   China)

Abstract:Heavy-duty traffic asphalt pavement has higher requirements for gradation and material composition of mixtures. Two kinds of gradation, AC-13 and SMA-13, are used to prepare asphalt mixtures with and without anti-rutting agent respectively, the difference of performance among different gradation mixtures is explored, and the dynamic stability, residual stability, freeze-thaw crack strength ratio and crack life of asphalt mixture are mainly investigated, the results show that the SMA-13 gradation asphalt mixture has good high temperature stability, low temperature anti-cracking and anti-fatigue properties, and the adding of anti-rut agent material can improve the comprehensive properties of the mixture more than 15% , it is suggested that SMA-13 gradation and anti-rutting agent should be applied to heavy-load asphalt pavement to realize long-term healthy and stable development of heavy-load asphalt pavement.

Keywords:gradation design; heavy-duty traffic; road performance; anti-rutting agent

作者简介: 王英帅  ( 1975—) ,   男 ,高级工程师 ,主要从事道路工程专业工作。

收稿日期 :2023- 07- 02