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Study on the Effect of Anti-spalling Agent on Water Stability of Asphalt Mixture

郭    峰

( 洛阳理工学院 土木工程学院 ,河南 洛阳 471023)

摘   要 :为改善沥青混合料水稳定性 ,采用消石灰和水泥两种抗剥落剂改良沥青混合料,并通过室内试验 研究抗剥落剂对沥青混合料水稳定性影响规律 。结果表明,掺抗剥落剂的沥青混合料抗水损害能力提高 ,抗剥落剂掺量每增加 1% ,  沥青混合料冻融劈裂抗拉强度比降低不超过 2. 6% ;  消石灰掺量1%时,沥青混合料残留稳定度最大,较未 掺抗剥落剂的沥青混合料残留稳定度提高 11 . 4%以上;抗剥落剂可减小沥青混合料浸水飞散损失,抗剥落剂掺量≥1%时,石灰和水泥掺量增加 1% ,  沥青混合料浸水飞散损失分别平均增大 9. 5% 、9. 6% 。

关键词 :沥青混合料 ;消石灰 ;水泥 ;水稳定性 ;试验研究

  中图分类号 :U414           

  文献标志码 :A            

  文章编号 :1005- 8249  (2023)   06- 0076- 05

  DOI : 10. 19860/j . cnki . issn1005- 8249. 2023 . 06. 012

GUO Feng

( School of Civil Engineering ,   Luoyang Institute of Technology ,   Luoyang 471023 ,   China)


Abstract: In order to improve the structural water stability of the asphalt mixture, the asphalt mixture was improved by two anti-spalling agents of lime and cement, and the influence of the anti-spalling agent on the water stability of the asphalt mixture was studied through indoor experiments. The results show that the water damage resistance of asphalt mixtures mixed with anti-spalling agents under freeze-thaw conditions is improved, and the tensile strength ratio of asphalt mixtures with anti-spallant dosage of 1% is significantly improved. The residual stability of the asphalt mixture is the largest when the amount of lime is 1% or 2% of the cement mixture, and the residual stability of the asphalt mixture is increased by more than 9.2% compared with the residual stability of the asphalt mixture without anti-spalling agent; Anti-spalling agent can reduce the loss of water immersion and scattering of asphalt mixture, when the amount of anti-spalling agent is ≥ 1%, the amount of lime and cement is increased by 1%, and the loss of water immersion of asphalt mixture is increased by an average of 9.5% and 9.6%, respectively.

 Keywords :  asphalt mixtures ;  lime removal;  cement;  water stability;  experimental studies

作者简介 :郭峰  ( 1979—) ,   男 ,硕士研究生 ,讲师 ,研究 方向 :道路与桥梁工程。

收稿日期 :2023- 06-25