
巨澍朋 ,张文权 ,杨保存 ,杨晓松 ,张勤玲
(塔里木大学 水利与建筑工程学院/南疆岩土工程研究中心 ,中国 阿拉尔 843300)
摘 要: 为研究南疆季冻区地基的抗剪性能 ,提出使用玄武岩纤维改良水泥土进行加固的技术方案 ,进行了冻融条件下玄武岩纤维改良水泥土和纯土的直剪试验 。结果表明: 随着冻融次数 0、1 、2、3、4 和 5 的依次 增加 ,玄武岩纤维改良水泥土和纯土的抗剪强度和黏聚力明显降低 、内摩擦角先减小后增大 ,并且纤维岩纤维 改良水泥土对纯土的抗剪性能起着有利影响; 并用 origin 对抗剪强度 、黏聚力和内摩擦角进行多项式拟合 ,为南疆季冻区地区地基集合料选择提供相关参考数据。
关键词: 冻融循环; 玄武岩纤维; 抗剪强度; 黏聚力; 内摩擦角
中图分类号: TU445
文献标志码: A
文章编号: 1005-8249 (2023) 06-0037-04
DOI : 10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005-8249.2023.06.006
JUShupeng , ZHANG Wenquan , YANG Baocun , YANG Xiaosong , ZHANG Qinling
( College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering/Research Center of Southern Xinjiang
Geotechnical Engineering , Tarim University , Alaery 843300 , China)
Abstract: In order to study the shear performance of the ground in the seasonally frozen area of southern Xinjiang, the technical scheme of using basalt fiber to improve cement-soil reinforcement was put forward. The direct shear tests of basalt fiber to improve cement-soil and pure soil under freeze-thaw conditions were carried out. The results show that the shear strength and cohesion of soil-cement and pure soil improved by basalt fiber decrease obviously and the internal friction Angle decreases first and then increases with the increase of freeze-thaw times of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, and the shear property of pure soil improved by basalt fiber has a favorable effect on the soil improved by basalt fiber. Origin is matching for polynomial simulation of shear strength, cohesion and internal friction Angle, which provides relevant reference data for the selection of foundation aggregates in the seasonally frozen area of southern Xinjiang.
Keywords: number of freeze-thaw cycles ; basalt fiber; shear strength; cohesive force;angle of internal friction
∗基金项目: 塔里木大学校长基金项目 ( TDZKQN201815) 。
作者简介: 巨澍朋 (1987—) , 男 ,硕士 ,讲师 ,研究方向: 特殊土地区道路病害处理与防治。
收稿日期: 2022-10-21