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增湿条件下高填方黄土的强度特性 ∗
Strength Characteristics of High-fill Loess under Humidification Conditions

王弘起1 , 武雯利2 , 邱明明2 , 孙杰龙2

( 1. 陕西建工第十三建设集团有限公司 陕西 延安 716000

2. 延安大学 建筑工程学院 陕西 延安 716000)

摘   要: 随着黄土丘陵沟壑区“ 填沟造城 ”等工程的开展,高填方问题已成为建设过程中一项重要研究课题 。基于此,对高填方黄土进行增湿,制备出不同含水量 、不同密度 、不同砂岩含量的土样进行直剪试验 ,得出了土样含水量 、密度及不同砂岩含量与土的黏聚力与内摩擦角的关系曲线 。试验结果表明: (1) 黄土试样的 黏聚力随着含水量的增加先增加后减小,在最优含水量左右达到最大值 ,而内摩擦角的值是随着含水量的增加 而递减的;(2) 在任一含水量不变的条件下 ,黄土试样的黏聚力和内摩擦角总是随着密度的增加而近似呈现线 性增长趋势;( 3) 通过掺加砂岩对黄土进行强度改良的过程中 ,将砂岩含量控制在 7%左右 ,是较为理想的状态。

关键词: 黄土; 抗剪强度; 黏聚力; 内摩擦角; 砂岩土

中图分类号: TU444      

文献标志码: A     

文章编号: 1005-8249 (2023) 06-0031-06

DOI : 10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005-8249.2023.06.005


WANG Hongqi , WU Wenli , QIU Mingming , SUN Jielong

( 1. SCEGC No. 13 Constuction Engineering Group Company Ltd , Yan ′an 716000 , China

2. School of Architectural Engineering , Yan ′an University , Yan ′an 716000 , China)

Abstract: With the development of projects ,for example "filling ditches and building cities" in the loess hilly and gully areas , the problem of high filling has become an important research topic in the construction process. Based on this , direct shear tests were performed under soil specimens with varying water content , densities and content of sandstone by humidifying the high-fill loess , and the relationships of the moisture content , density and different sandstone content of the soil specimen with the cohesion and internal friction angle of the soil are obtained. The test results show that the cohesion of the loess samples increases with the increase of the water content at first and then decreases , and reaches the maximum value around the optimal water content ,while the value of the internal friction angle decreases with the increase of the water content; (2) under any condition of constant water content , the cohesion and internal friction angle of the loess specimen always increases linearly with the increase of density; (3) the sandstone content controlled at about 7% is an ideal state in the process of improving the strength of the loess by adding sandstone.

Keywords : Loess;shear strength;cohesion;internal friction angle;sandstone soil

∗基金项目: 陕 西 建 工 第 十 三 建 设 有 限 公 司 科 技 开 发 计 划 项 目  ( SJ13JKT - 2020 - 01 ) ; 陕 西 省 教 育 厅 一 般 专 项 科 研 项 目 (21 JK0991 ) ; 陕西省陕西省大学生创新创业训练项目  ( S202110719080) 。

作者简介: 王弘起  (1976—) , 男 ,高级工程师 ,主要从事沿途工程与防灾研究。 

收稿日期: 2023-06-24