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Fly Ash Comprehensive Utilization
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Test of Influence of Fly Ash on Damage Degree of Reinforcing Bar in Concrete under Chlorinated Salt Environment

李    钟 1  , 邹    挺2

( 1. 东南沿海铁路福建有限责任公司 ,福建 福州 350011 ;

2. 中铁电气化局集团有限公司 ,北京 100036)

摘   要: 为分析氯盐环境下混凝土中粉煤灰掺入后 ,混凝土中钢筋的损伤程度,以 P52. 5 级的硅酸盐水泥 、HRB400 级钢筋和 I 级粉煤灰为主材料,制备 0、30%和40%三种粉煤灰掺量的钢筋混凝土试样,即试样 A、 试样 B 和试样 C , 通过孔隙率试验和加载试验,测试三个试样的孔隙率变化;并且采用氯离子扩散传输模型和有限元模型计算损伤程度以及钢筋的锈蚀程度。试验结果显示: 距离表面深度为 1 cm 时,三个试样的氯离子浓度分布最高 ,分别为 0. 47% 、0. 31% 、0. 26% ; 距离表面深度为 1 cm 时 ,三者的氯离子扩散系数结果分别为 1. 35× 10- 12 、0. 42× 10- 12 、0. 39× 10- 12 , 氯化钠溶液浓度达到 20%时 ,三个试样的孔隙率结果分别为 9. 6% 、6. 4%  和 5. 8% ; 服役时间为 10 年时 ,三个试样的受压承载力结果分别下降至 5650 kN、8465 kN 和 8620 kN 左右,试  样 C 的承担荷载比率结果最佳 ,钢筋和混凝土的承担荷载比率结果分别为 19. 6%和 86. 4% , 粉煤灰掺量越高钢  筋的损伤程度越小。

关键词: 氯盐环境; 粉煤灰; 混凝土; 钢筋损伤度; 孔隙率; 锈蚀程度

中图分类号: TU528      

文献标志码: A      

文章编号: 1005-8249 (2023) 06-0081-07

DOI : 10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005-8249.2023.06.013

LI Zhong , ZOU Ting

( 1. Southeast Coastal Railway Fujian Co. ,Ltd. ,Fuzhou 350011 , China;

2. China Railway Electrification Bureau Group Co. ,Ltd. ,Beijing 100036 ,  China)

Abstract: For analysis of chlorine salt environment after the incorporation of fly ash in concrete, the damage degree of reinforcement in concrete, with levels P52.5 silicate cement, HRB400 steel and I grade fly ash as the main material, the preparation of 0%, 30% and 40%, three kinds of reinforced concrete specimens, the dosage of fly ash or sample A and sample B and C samples, through the porosity test and load test, The porosity changes of the three samples were tested. The damage degree and corrosion degree of steel bar are calculated by using chloride ion diffusion and finite element model. The results show that when the depth from the surface is 1cm, the chloride ion concentration distribution of the three samples is the highest, which are 0.47%, 0.31% and 0.26%, respectively. When the depth from the surface is 1cm, the results of chloride ion diffusion coefficient of the three samples are 1.35×10-12, 0.42×10-12 and 0.39×10-12, respectively. When the concentration of sodium chloride solution reaches 20%, the results of porosity of the three samples are 9.6%, 6.4% and 5.8%, respectively. When the service time is 10 years, the compressive bearing capacity of the three samples decreases to about 5650kN, 8465kN and 8620kN respectively. The load bearing ratio of sample C is the best, and the load bearing ratio of steel bar and concrete is 19.6% and 86.4% respectively. The higher the fly ash content, the less the damage degree of steel bar is.

Keywords: chlorine salt environment; fly ash; concrete; reinforcement damage degree; porosity; the degree of corrosion

∗基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目( 项目编号: 23874258) 。

作者简介: 李钟  (1983—) , 男 ,本科 ,高级工程师 ,研究方向: 土木工程。 

  收稿日期: 2023-06-09