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Determination of Rock Mass Mechanical Parameters based on Hoek-Brown Criterion

高    颖 ,杜春雪 ,张高青

(河北工程大学 土木工程学院 ,河北 邯郸 056038)

摘   要: 国内外岩体力学参数测定的方法多不胜数,其中室内岩石力学参数试验法能较准确地确定岩体各类参数 。以昆阳某磷矿为工程背景,进行现场采样并制备标准试件,分别对顶板 、磷矿层以及底板岩样进行室内岩石物理力学参数试验。为提高参数结果的准确性,以及使数据更接近工程实际情况,将采用 Hoek-Brown 准则对参数计算结果进行折减 ,并进一步对经验准则中引入的扰动系数 D、地质强度指标 GSI 以及完整岩石材料 常数 mi 的取值进行分析。经过折减后,其结果表明,经折减后的力学参数综合考虑了更多的现场因素,使试验 结果更准确,提高了后续现场相关工作的准确性。

关键词: 岩体力学参数; Hoek-Brown 经验公式; 强度折减法; 地质强度指标; 室内实验

中图分类号: TU458       

文献标志码: A      

文章编号: 1005-8249 (2023) 05-0007-07

DOI : 10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005-8249.2023.05.002

GAO Ying , DU Chunxue , ZHANG Gaoqing

( School of Civil Engineering , Hebei University of Engineering , Handan 056038 , China)

Abstract:There are many methods for measuring rock mass mechanical parameters at home and abroad, among which the indoor rock mechanical parameter test method can more accurately determine various parameters of rock mass. Taking a phosphate mine in Kunyang as the engineering background, field sampling was carried out and standard specimens were prepared. Indoor rock physical and mechanical parameters test were carried out on rock samples of roof, phosphate rock layer and floor respectively. In order to improve the accuracy of parameter results and make the date closer to the actual situation of the project, the Hoek-Brown criterion will be used to reduce the parameter calculation results, and further analyze the values of disturbance coefficient D, geological strength index GSI and complete rock material constant mi introduced in the empirical criterion. After reduction, the results show that the reduced mechanical parameters comprehensively consider more field factors, which makes the test results more accurate and improves the accuracy of subsequent on-site related work.

Keywords:rock mass mechanical parameters;Hoek-Brown empirical formula;strength reduction method;geological strength index;indoor experiment

∗ 基 金 项  目: 国  家  重 点 实 验 室 项  目 ( 项  目  编  号 SKLMRDPC19KF04) 。

作者简介: 高颖  (1977—) , 女 ,博士 ,副教授 ,主要从事公路 与水路运输、材料科学和建筑科学与工程等方面的研究。

通信作者: 张高青  ( 1981 —) , 男 ,硕士 ,讲师 ,主要从事岩石力学和隧道工程方面的研究。

收稿日期: 2022-08-02