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Analysis of the Influence of Water-stop Curtain Depth on the Outflow of Precipitation Wells

李    龙   ,  唐金召2  ,  左文州1   ,  李长印1   ,  李景丰1

( 1 .  中国水利水电第十一工程局有限公司 ,河南 三门峡 450001 ;

2. 河南理工大学土木工程学院 ,河南 焦作 450003)

摘   要 :为研究不同止水帷幕深度下深基坑降水井出水流量的变化规律, 以郑州地铁某车站深基坑降水为背景,利用有限元MIDAS GTS 对不同止水帷幕深度下各种降水工况进行模拟,并重点分析降水井出水流量的变化规律 。研究表明,止水帷幕插入潜水层的深度与降水井出水流量呈负相关, 即降水井出水流量随着止水帷幕插入潜水层深度的增大逐渐减小,且贯穿止水帷幕后趋于稳定;当止水帷幕插入比介于 0. 44 ~ 0. 625 时,降水井 出水流量的变化幅度随止水帷幕插入深度的增加逐渐减小;当止水帷幕插入比在 0. 625 ~ 0. 875 之间时,降水井出水流量近似线性的减小;当止水帷幕插入比大于 0. 875 时, 降水井出水流量降低的效果与完全隔断含水层的效果相近 。综合考虑止水帷幕深度对降水井出水流量的影响及工程造价,止水帷幕插入比深度宜介于 0. 875 ~ 1 之间 。该研究成果可为郑州地铁车站深基坑止水帷幕优化提供理论指导。

关键词 :降水井 ;止水帷幕 ;插入比 ;MIDAS GTS

中图分类号 :TU46+ 3           

文献标志码 :A    

文章编号 :1005- 8249  (2023)   05- 0013- 07

DOI : 10. 19860/j . cnki . issn1005- 8249. 2023 . 05 . 003

LI Long1  ,  TANG Jinzhao2 ,   ZUO Wenzhou  ,   LI Changyin 1  ,   LI Jingfeng1

( 1 . Sinohydro Bureau 11Co. ,Ltd. ,Sanmenxia 450001 ,   China;

2. School of Civil Engineering ,   Henan Polytechnic University ,  Jiaozuo 454003 ,   China)

Abstract:In order to study the variation law of the outflow of the deep foundation pit dewatering well under different waterproof wall depths, based on the deep foundation pit precipitation of a station in Zhengzhou subway, the finite element MIDAS GTS is used to simulate various precipitation conditions under different waterproof curtain depths, and the variation law of water flow in precipitation wells is emphatically analyzed. Study proves that, the depth of the waterproof wall inserted into the phreatic layer is negatively correlated with the outflow of the dewatering well, that is, the outflow of the dewatering well decreases with the increase of the depth of the waterproof curtain inserted into the phreatic layer, and tends to be stable after the waterproof wall is penetrated; when the insertion ratio of the waterproof wall is between 0.44 and 0.625, the variation range of the outflow of the dewatering well decreases with the increase of the insertion depth of the waterproof wall; when the insertion ratio of waterproof wall is between 0.625 and 0.875, the outflow of dewatering well decreases approximately linearly; when the insertion ratio of waterproof wall is greater than 0.875, the effect of reducing the outflow of dewatering well is similar to that of completely isolating aquifer. Considering the influence of waterproof curtain depth on the outflow of precipitation wells and the engineering cost, the insertion depth of waterproof wall should be between 0.875 and 1. The research results can provide theoretical guidance for the optimization of deep foundation pit waterproof wall of Zhengzhou subway station.

Keywords:foundation pit; dewatering wells; waterproof wall; insertion ratio; MIDAS GTS

作者简介 :李龙  (1989—) ,  男,硕士研究生,工程师 ,研究方向 :岩土工程等相关领域的研究。

通信作者 :唐金召  (1998—) ,  男 ,硕士研究生,研究方向:地下工程。

收稿日期 :2022- 08- 03