
( 北京城建勘测设计研究院有限责任公司 ,北京 100101)
摘 要 :为研究云南某工程出现的易崩解泥岩边坡在降雨条件下的稳定性问题 ,室内开展了崩解特性试 验 、膨胀率试验 、膨胀压力试验 ,以及强降雨条件下易崩解泥岩的入渗试验 ,主要结论如下 :易崩解泥岩试样 表现出极强的崩解性 ,崩解 10 次循环后残留物仅占原岩样质量的 3% ; 其耐崩解指数在循环中逐渐提高但变动 较小 ,说明循环次数对耐崩解指数的影响不大 ;易崩解泥岩试样在侧限条件下的轴向膨胀变形显著 ,最终膨胀 率约 11 . 2% , 膨胀过程可以划分为快速膨胀 、减速膨胀 、稳定膨胀 3 个阶段 ; 随着降雨强度的增大 ,易崩解泥 岩入渗率时程曲线的积水点与饱和点出现得越来越早 ,积水点与饱和点之间的间隔越来越小 ;在同一降雨强度 下 ,降雨入渗深度与降雨时间正相关 ; 同一降雨历时下 ,入渗深度与降雨强度间正相关。
关键词 :降雨 ;易崩解泥岩 ;边坡 ;破坏机理
中图分类号 :TU045
文献标志码 :A
文章编号 :1005- 8249 (2023) 04- 0037- 05
DOI :10. 19860/j . cnki . issn1005- 8249. 2023 . 04. 006
LIU Fuhai
( Beijing urban construction survey , design and Research Institute Co. ,Ltd. ,Beijing 100101 , China)
Abstract: In order to study the stability of the easily disintegrating mudstone slope in a project in Yunnan under rainfall conditions, the disintegration characteristic test, the expansion rate test, the expansion pressure test, and the easy disintegration mudstone under heavy rainfall were carried out in the laboratory. The main conclusions of the infiltration test are as follows:The easily disintegrating mudstone sample shows extremely strong disintegration, and the residue after 10 cycles of disintegration only accounts for 3% of the mass of the original rock sample; its disintegration resistance index is in the It gradually increases during the cycle but changes little, indicating that the number of cycles has little effect on the disintegration resistance index; The axial expansion deformation of the easily disintegrating mudstone sample under the confinement condition is significant, and the final expansion rate is about 11.2%. The expansion process can be divided into three stages: rapid expansion, decelerated expansion, and stable expansion; With the increase of rainfall intensity, the water accumulation point and saturation point of the infiltration rate time history curve of easily disintegrating mudstone appear more and more. In the early days, the interval between the water accumulation point and the saturation point became smaller and smaller; under the same rainfall intensity, the rainfall infiltration depth was positively correlated with the rainfall time; under the same rainfall duration, the rainfall infiltration depth was positively correlated with the rainfall intensity.
Keywords: rainfall; easily disintegrating mudstone; slope; failure mechanism
作者简介:刘付海 ( 1971 —) , 男,硕士, 高级工程师,研 究方向 :岩土工程勘察。
收稿日期 :2022- 04- 05