张 磊 , 雷 雨 ,张 璐
(西安欧亚学院 ,陕西 西安 710065)
摘 要: 为了准确地计算出岩土工程可靠度目标函数达到最值时的任意一种可行解,本研究分析如何通过 快速遗传算法来衡量与计算岩土工程的可靠度。在明确快速遗传算法原理与步骤基础上,利用一次二 阶矩方法得到岩土工程可靠度数值衡量模型,并通过快速遗传算法升级优化可靠度衡量模型,以使模型中的变量一直处于正态分布状态且问题架构呈线性状态,再对可靠度值进行快速遗传计算。通过算法对比分析与实例列举验证此种算法的有效性,证明了此算法的计算精度与稳定性更优,并能实际应用于山坡挖掘工程的施工方案可靠度分析。
关键词: 快速遗传算法; 岩土工程; 岩土工程分析; 可靠度; 可靠度指标
中图分类号: G642
文献标志码: A
文章编号: 1005-8249 (2023) 03-0019-07
DOI : 10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005-8249.2023.03.019
( Xi ’an Eurasia University , Xi ’an 710065 , China)
Absrtact: In order to accurately calculate any feasible solution when the reliability objective function of geotechnical engineering reaches the maximum, this study analyzes how to measure and calculate the reliability of geotechnical engineering through fast genetic algorithm. On the basis of clarifying the principle and steps of the fast genetic algorithm, the reliability numerical measurement model of geotechnical engineering is obtained by using the first-order second moment method, and the reliability measurement model is upgraded and optimized by the fast genetic algorithm, so that the variables in the model are always in the normal distribution state and the problem structure is in the linear state. And then the reliability value is calculated by fast genetic algorithm. The effectiveness of this algorithm is verified by comparison of algorithms and analysis of examples. It is proved that this algorithm has better calculation accuracy and stability, and can be applied to the reliability analysis of engineering schemes of hillside excavation projects.
Keywords : fast genetic algorithm; geotechnical engineering; geotechnical engineering analysis ; reliability; reliability index
∗ 基金项目: 2019 年 西 安 欧 亚 学 院 重 点 课 程 建 设 项 目 (2019KC008 ) ; 2021 年 陕西省教育厅科研计划 项 目 资 助 (21 JK0257) ; 2021 年 陕 西 省 教 育 厅 科 研 计 划 项 目 资 助 (21 JK0261 ) 。
作者简介: 张 磊 ( 1985—) , 男,硕士,讲师 。研究方向: 工程项目管理、成本管理、岩土工程。
收稿日期: 2022-09-20