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Study on the Fire Resistance of Environmentally Friendly New Melamine Sound Insulation Board for Indoor Decoration

王    雁

( 北京佳饰诺装饰工程有限公司 ,北京 100176)

摘   要 :建筑装饰过程中,为降低降噪干扰应用隔音板,而其耐火性能会影响整个建筑的安全,对此,研究室内装饰用环保新型三聚氰胺隔音板的耐火性能 。以木丝吸音板作为基础,依次包裹聚酯纤维和三聚氰胺化合物后,分别获得三种试验试件,应用火焰蔓延量热仪检测各试件的耐火性能。试验结果表明,包覆三聚氰胺的试件热释放较缓慢,热释放总量较低,有效燃烧热峰值最高,产生大量燃烧热,推动阻燃剂发挥效果, 降低 燃烧行为发生概率,而且该隔音板失重率较小,残重率较高,燃烧过程中几乎不会产生浓烟,具有效果较良好 的耐火性能。

关键词 :室内装饰 ;环保新型 ;隔音板 ;耐火性能 ;聚酯纤维 ;三聚氰胺

中图分类号 :TU541           

文献标志码 :A           

文章编号 :1005- 8249  (2023)   03- 0014- 05

DOI : 10. 19860/j . cnki . issn1005- 8249. 2023 . 03 . 014


( Beijing Jiashinuo Decoration Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Beijing  100176,  China)

Abstract:   In the process of building decoration, sound insulation boards are used to reduce noise interference, and their fire resistance will affect the safety of the whole building. Therefore, the fire resistance performance of environmentally friendly new melamine soundproofing panels for indoor decoration is studied. On the basis of wood fiber sound-absorbing board, after wrapping polyester fiber and melamine compound in turn, three test specimens were obtained respectively, and the fire resistance of each specimen was tested by flame spread calorimeter. The test results show that the heat release of the test piece coated with melamine is slow, the total heat release is low, the peak value of effective combustion heat is the highest, generating a large amount of combustion heat, promoting the effect of flame retardant, reducing the probability of combustion behavior, and the weight loss rate of the soundproof panel is small, the residual weight rate is high, and there is almost no smoke during combustion, which has a better fire resistance performance.

Keywords:  interior decoration;  new  environmental protection;  sound  insulation board;  fire  resistance ;  polyester fiber;  melamine


作者简介 :王雁  (1966—)  男,本科,高级工程师,一级建造师 ,全过程工程总咨询师,高级BIM工程师 。


收稿日期:2021 - 11 -29