
(杭州铁路设计院有限责任公司 ,浙江 杭州 310005)
摘 要 :为研究交通荷载下 Kelvin 地基上混凝土路面的厚板动力响应规律,将混凝土路面板视为有限宽度的无限长厚板,将交通荷载视为混凝土路面上的矩形运动荷载,应用层合板理论,采用三角级数与傅里叶变换, 得到运动荷载作用下混凝土路面厚板波数-频率内的响应积分形式解,再利用傅里叶数值逆变换方法得到了路面板的挠度与内力响应。结果表明: 在荷载速度较小时,路面板的挠度和弯矩 、剪力在纵向上均呈对称分布;随着速度增加,纵向上的挠度与内力分布开始变得不对称, 同时挠度和弯矩 、剪力幅值不断减小。荷载频率对 路面板挠度和内力的影响与荷载速度类似。此外, 当运动荷载中心逐渐靠近宽度端部时,路面板内部的响应呈现先增大后减少的趋势。
关键词:交通荷载 ;Kelvin 地基 ;层合板理论 ;荷载速度 ;路面板挠度
中图分类号:U416. 216
文章编号: 1005- 8249 (2024) 06- 0124- 08
DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.06.023
ZHU Zhaobin
(Hangzhou Railway Design Institute Co. ,Ltd. ,Hangzhou 310005 , China)
Abstract:To study the dynamic response law of thick pavement resting on the Kelvin foundation due to a moving load, the thick concrete pavement is modelled as an infinite laminated slab with finite width, the traffic load is modelled as a local rectangular uniform load on the pavement. Dynamic responses of the pavement due to the traffic load are first derived in the form of integral function based on the laminated plate theory, trigonometric series and Fourier transformation technique in the wavenumber and frequency domain. The response results of the pavement are finally obtained using numerical inverse Fourier transformation method. The results show that the distributions of pavement’s deflection, bending moment and shear force in the longitudinal direction are almost symmetric when load velocity is small. When the load velocity continues to increase, the distribution becomes asymmetric and the amplitudes of deflection, bending moment and shear force decrease continuously. The effect of load frequency on the dynamic response of pavement is similar to that of load velocity. Furthermore, when the center of traffic load approaches the end of pavement in the transverse direction, the dynamic response increases slightly at first and then rapidly reduces in the end.
Keywords : traffic load; Kelvin foundation; laminated plate theory; load velocity; pavement deflection
作者简介: 朱兆斌 (1977—) , 男 ,本科 , 高级工程师 ,研 究方向: 交通工程及地下工程研究与设计。
收稿日期:2023- 05- 10