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Research on the Detection Method of Flaky Particle Content in Machine- made Sand


( 北京建筑大学 ,建筑结构与环境修复功能材料北京市重点试验室 ,北京 100044)

摘   要 :为了探究机制砂片状颗粒的定义及其条形筛筛孔宽度是否有优化的可能性,通过改变条形筛筛孔 宽度的条形筛与国标条形筛  (0. 45 倍筛)对比 ,研究 0. 55 倍 、0. 60 倍条形筛的片状颗粒检出率 ;条形筛筛除片状颗粒后,规则颗粒对胶砂性能的影响;明确最合适的条形筛筛孔宽度。结果表明:筛孔宽度为机制砂颗粒 所属粒径范围平均粒径0. 55 倍的条形筛  (0. 55 倍筛) 相比于国标条形孔筛  (0. 45 倍筛)筛分效率高 ,片状颗粒评价更合理,其规则颗粒对胶砂和混凝土性能最有利;相应Ⅰ类机制砂的片状颗粒含量宜控制在20%以内。

关键词:机制砂 ;片状颗粒 ;条形筛 ;胶砂性能 ;混凝土性能 ;筛孔宽度

中图分类号:TU528 . 041            


文章编号: 1005- 8249  (2024)  05- 0032- 06

DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.05 .007


SONG Shaomin ,  WANG Yi

(Beijing Key Laboratory of Building Structure and Environmental Remediation Functional Materials ,

Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture ,  Beijing 100044 ,  China)

Abstract: This article aims to explore the definition of mechanism sand like particles and whether there is a possibility of optimizing the width of the strip sieve holes. By changing the width of the strip sieve holes, a comparative study was conducted between the modified strip sieve and the national standard strip sieve (0.45x sieve) to investigate the detection rate of flake particles in the strip sieve and the effect of regular particles on the performance of the adhesive sand after removing flake particles. Based on the experimental results, the most suitable width of the strip sieve holes was determined. The results showed that a strip sieve with a mesh width of 0.55 times the average particle size range of the mechanism sand particles (0.55 times sieve) had higher screening efficiency compared to the national standard strip sieve (0.45 times sieve), and the evaluation of flake particles was more reasonable. Its regular particles were most beneficial to the performance of the binder and concrete; The threshold for the content of flake particles in corresponding Class I mechanism sand should be controlled within 20%.

Keywords: machine-made sand; flaky particles; bar screen; mortar performance; concrete performance; mesh width;

作者简介:宋少民(1965—) , 男,硕士 ,教授,研究方向: 高性能混凝土材料。

通信作者: 王   毅(1998—) , 男 ,硕士研究生,研究方向:建筑材料。

收稿日期:2024- 03- 01