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富水粉细砂层盾构同步注浆复合浆液配比试验 *
Experimental Study on Composite Slurry Ratio for Synchronous Grouting of Shield Tunneling in Rich Water Powder Fine Sand Layer

荆永波1  ,  武敖杰2 ,  孙星亮2 ,  韩小冬2


( 1 .  中铁十四局集团隧道工程有限公司 , 山东 济南 ,250003 ;  2.  石家庄铁道大学 ,河北 石家庄 050043)

摘   要 :为提高富水粉细砂地层盾构同步注浆的效率和质量 ,精准控制管片上浮位移 ,进行配比试验以期 得到对富水地层具有良好适应性的浆液。基于常规惰性浆液通过单因素试验,确定出高分子材料羟乙基纤维素 (HEC)  和聚羧酸  (PC)  两种外加剂的掺量范围 ,然后采用正交试验 ,对水胶比 、水玻璃 、羟乙基纤维素和聚羧酸4因素3水平的试验结果进行极差分析 ,得到流动性好 、凝胶时间可控 、结石率高的复合浆液配合比。结果表明 ,针对富水粉细砂地层的复合浆液最佳配比为:水胶比 0. 8  ( A2) ,  水玻璃掺量30% ( B2) ,   PC 掺量 0. 1%  (C1) ,  HEC 掺量 0. 2%  (D2) ,   这一配比在保证流动性( 稠度 10 ~ 12cm ) 、凝胶时间  (90 ~ 150s) 、结石率 (97 . 53% )  和抗压强度  (2. 63MPa)  的同时 ,优化了浆液的抗水分散性和经济性。采用推荐浆液配比进行同步注浆,管片的上浮位移可以控制在20mm 以内,满足规范要求。

关键词: 富水粉细砂地层 ;盾构隧道 ;浆液配比 ;正交试验 ;管片上浮控制



文章编号: 1005- 8249 (2024)  04-0053- 06 

DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.04.010


JING Yongbo1  ,  WU Aojie2 ,  SUN Xingliang2 ,  HAN Xiaodong2

( 1 . Tunnel Engineering Co. ,Ltd. ,China Railway 14th Bureau Group ,  Jinan 250003 ,  China;

2. Shijiazhuang Tiedao University ,  Shijiazhuang 050043 ,  China)

Abstract: In order to improve the efficiency and quality of synchronous grouting for shield tunneling in water rich fine sand formations, accurately control the upward displacement of pipe segments, and conduct proportioning tests in order to obtain a slurry with good adaptability to water rich formations. Based on the conventional inert slurry, the dosage range of two additives, hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) and polycarboxylic acid (PC), is determined by single factor test. Then, the range of test results of water binder ratio, water glass, hydroxyethyl cellulose and polycarboxylic acid in four factors and three levels is analyzed by orthogonal test, and the composite slurry mix ratio with good fluidity, controllable gel time and high stone rate is obtained. The results show that the optimal ratio of composite slurry for water rich silty fine sand formation is 0.8 (A2), 30% (B2), 0.1% (C1) and 0.2% (D2) of PC, PC, HEC. This ratio optimizes the water resistance dispersion and economy of the slurry while ensuring the fluidity (consistency 10~12cm), gel time (90~150s), stone rate (97.53%) and compressive strength (2.63 MPa). Adopting the recommended slurry ratio for synchronous grouting, the upward displacement of the pipe segment can be controlled within 20mm, meeting the regulatory requirements.

Keywords: rich water powder fine sand layer; shied tunnel; grout mix; orthogonal experiment; upward displacement of segment


*基金项目: 国家自然基金项目  (51978424) ;  中铁十四局集团公司科技开发项目  (2021050288) 。 

者简介: 荆永波  (1984—) ,  男 ,本科 ,高级工程师 ,研究方向:地下工程施工与管理。

通信作者:孙星亮  (1970—) ,  男 ,博士 ,教授 ,研究方向: 复杂条件隧道施工力学。

 收稿日期:2023- 02- 24