
邵晓芬1 , 章保胜1 , 黄海滨2 , 马书山2 , 张基勇2 , 曾志勇3
( 1 . 浙江城市空间建筑规划设计院有限公司 ,浙江 丽水 323000 ; 2. 浙江研翔新材料有限公司,
浙江 台州 318000 ; 3 . 台州学院 ,浙江 台州 318000)
摘 要 :随着建筑行业的快速发展 ,地下现浇混凝土工程大量出现 ,而混凝土开裂问题成为了地下工程的 一大顽疾。为了降低混凝土开裂对地下工程造成的危害 ,采用降低水化热和增强抗裂性能的自密实抑温防水复 合材料作为混凝土抗裂材料 ,研究自密实抑温防水复合材料对水泥净浆抑温率和混凝土应力 、抗压强度性能的影响。结果表明: 自密实抑温防水复合材料的掺入 ,使得水泥净浆抑温率达到 40. 7% , 地下室侧墙中部和下部 的应变分别降低了 30. 2% 、13 .7% , 同时对混凝土抗压强度无负面影响 ,有效减少了混凝土的开裂 ,提高了地 下工程的质量。
关键词: 自密实 ;防水 ;水化热抑制剂 ;温度收缩 ;复合材料
中图分类号:TU57 + 5
文章编号: 1005- 8249 (2024) 04- 0027- 04
DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.04.005
SHAO Xiaofen1 , ZHANG Baosheng1 , HUANG Haibin2 , MA Shushan2 , ZHANG Jiyong2 , ZENG Zhiyong3
( 1 . Zhejiang Urban Space Architecture Planning and Design Institute Co. ,Ltd. ,Lishui 323000 , China;
2. Zhejiang Yanxiang New Material Co. ,Ltd. ,Taizhou 318000 , China; 3. Taizhou College , Taizhou 318000 , China)
Abstract:With the rapid development of the construction industry, a large number of underground cast-in-place concrete projects have appeared, and the problem of concrete cracking has become a major problem in underground projects. In order to reduce the harm caused by concrete cracking on underground projects, the self-compacting temperature-suppressing and waterproofing composite materials that reduce the heat of hydration and enhance the crack-resistant properties are used as the anti-cracking materials for concrete, and the effect of self-compacting temperature-suppressing and waterproofing composite materials on the temperature-suppressing rate of the cement slurry and the performance of the stress and compressive strength of the concrete are investigated. The results show that: the incorporation of self-compacting temperature-suppression composite material makes the temperature-suppression rate of cement mortar reach 40.7%, and the strains in the middle and the lower part of the basement sidewalls are reduced by 30.2% and 13.7%, respectively, and at the same time, there is no negative impact on the compressive strength of concrete, which reduces the cracking of concrete and improves the quality of the underground project.
Keywords:self-compacting; watertight; hydrothermal inhibitors; temperature contraction; composite material
*基金项目:浙江省重点研发计划项目 (2021 C03160) ; 台州市科技计划项目 (2001 gy11 ) 。
作者简介:邵晓芬 (1976—) , 女 ,本科 ,高级工程师 ,一级注册建筑师 ,注册规划师 ,研究方向:建筑工程设计。
收稿日期:2023- 03- 02