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Research on Reinforcement Design of an Overdue Deep Foundation Pit based on the Strength Reduction Method of Supporting Components

田鹏刚1 , 3 ,  牛建辉1 , 3 ,  杨永林2 ,  王明皎,  王勇华2 ,   卜崇鹏2 ,  蒲   靖1 , 3


( 1 .  陕西建工控股集团未来城市创新科技有限公司 ,陕西 西安 712000 ;  2.  机械工业勘察设计研究院

有限公司 ,陕西 西安 710021 ;  3 .  未来城市建设与管理创新联合研究中心 ,陕西 西安 712000)

摘   要 :随着城市化快速发展和土地资源的日益紧张 ,城市建设中深基坑工程日渐增多。而工程延期 、方案变更和施工困难等导致的基坑超期服役问题也伴随出现 ,这不仅增加建设成本,还带来环境与安全风险。因此 ,实施有效的二次加固设计至关重要。依托西安某超期深基坑工程实例,采用支护构件强度折减法对锚拉桩、复合土钉墙及悬臂桩三个支护形式的断面进行加固设计,建立深基坑的有限元模型 ,模拟分析该深基坑加固前后的稳定性及位移。结果表明:采用支护构件强度折减法进行基坑加固设计后,数值模拟结果与实测值吻合较好,基坑的整体稳定性 、水平变形及竖向变形均符合规范要求。支护构件强度折减法加固超期地基合理有效。

关键词:超期深基坑 ;支护构件 ;强度折减法 ;Midas GTS;  基坑加固设计



文章编号: 1005- 8249   (2024)  04- 0067- 07

DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.04.012


TIAN Penggang1 , 3  ,  NIU Jianhui 1 , 3  ,  YANG Yonglin2 ,  WANG Mingjiao2 ,  WANG Yonghua, BO Chongpeng2 ,  PU Jing1 , 3

( 1 . Future City Innovation Technology Co. ,Ltd. ,Shaanxi Construction Engineering Holding Group , Xi ’an 712000 ,  China;  2. China Jikan Research Institute of Engineering Investigation and

Design Co. ,Ltd. ,Xi ’an 710021 ,  China;  3 . SCEGC- XJTU  Joint  Research

Center for Future City Construction and Management Innovation ,  Xi ’an 712000 ,  China)

Abstract: With the rapid development of urbanization and the increasing scarcity of land resources, the deep foundation pit projects are increasing in the urban construction .is continuously on the rise. The problems of foundation pit services extension caused by projects delay scheme and construction difficulties alse occur,which not only increases construction costs but also poses environmental and safety risks. Therefore, implementing an effective secondary reinforcement design is of utmost importance. This paper, based on a case study of an over-service deep foundation pit project in Xi'an, uses the strength reduction method of support components to reinforce the sections of three types of support forms: anchor piles, composite soil nail walls, and cantilever piles. A finite element model of the deep foundation pit is established to simulate and analyze the stability and displacement before and after reinforcement. The results indicate that after the reinforcement design of the foundation pit using the strength reduction method of support components, the numerical simulation results are in good agreement with the actual measured values, and the overall stability, horizontal deformation, and vertical deformation of the foundation pit all comply with the regulatory requirements. The reinforcement of the over-serviced foundation using the strength reduction method of support components is rational and effective.

Keywords: overdue deep foundation pit;support components;strength reduction method;Midas GTS;reinforcement design of the foundation pit

作者简介: 田鹏刚  (1978—) ,  男 ,博士 ,教授级高级工程师 ,研究方向: 文物建筑预防性保护和工程结构事故处理。

收稿日期:2023- 06- 19