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A Monitoring Method for Small Cracks in Building Walls based on Multi perspective 3D Laser Scanning Technology

宋小平1,  周卫军1,  张号2,  苏峰格1,  张邵贺1

(1 . 中国有色金属工业西安勘察设计研究院有限公司,陕西 西安 710054 ;

2. 自然资源部陕西测绘产品质量监督检验站,陕西 西安 710054)

摘 要:常规建筑墙体微小裂缝监测方法忽略了噪声点对裂缝图像像素点分布的影响,导致最终监测精度较低。为此,提出基于多视角三维激光扫描技术的建筑墙体微小裂缝监测方法。采用多视角三维激光扫描技术 对墙体裂缝灰度图像进行采集,对图像进行滤波处理,以减少噪声点对像素分布的影响并通过求取裂缝点的特征密度值与二值化分离系数,完成图像灰度标定,结合扫描参数临界值,移除非目标区域的点云数据, 由此分割裂缝图像的目标区域,以此为依据,对裂缝图像目标区域进行仿射变换并求取裂缝的形心,进而得到裂缝的分布区间,实现墙体微小裂缝的监测。结果表明:将设计的方法应用于建筑墙体微小裂缝监测中,得到的监测 值与实际值偏差较小,监测精度较高。




文章编号:1005- 8249 (2024) 03- 0163- 06 


SONG Xiaoping, ZHOU Weijun,  ZHANG Hao2,   SU  Fengge1,  ZHANG Shaohe1

1 . Xi’an Engineering Investigation and Design Research Institute of China National Non - ferrous

Metals Industry, Xi’an 710054, China; 

2. Shaanxi Surveying and Mapping Production Supervision

and Inspection Station, Ministry of Natural Resources, Xi’an 710054, China

Abstract : Conventional monitoring methods for small cracks in building walls often use pole feature clustering algorithms , but ignore the impact of noise points on the pixel distribution of crack images , resulting in low final monitoring accuracy. Therefore , a monitoring method for small cracks in building walls based on multi perspective 3D laser scanning technology is proposed. Using multi perspective 3D laser scanning technology to collect grayscale images of wall cracks , filter and process the images to reduce the impact of noise points on pixel distribution. By calculating the feature density value and binary separation coefficient of crack points , the image grayscale calibration is completed. Combined with the critical values of scanning parameters , point cloud data from non target areas is removed , and the target area of the crack image is segmented based on this , Perform affine transformation on the target area of the crack image and obtain the centroid of the crack , thereby obtaining the distribution interval of the crack and achieving wall miniaturization; Monitoring of points. The comparative experimental results show that when the designed method is applied to monitoring small cracks in building walls , the deviation between the monitoring values obtained and the actual values is small , and the monitoring accuracy is high.

Keywords : multi perspective 3D laser scanning technology; building walls; minor cracks; monitoring

作者简介:宋小平 (1982—) , 男,本科,高级工程师,研究方向: 工程测量、摄影测量、地理信息系统等。

收稿日期:2023- 12- 01