
袁齐虎1, 张坤勇2 , 3, 张兴其4, 张梦3, 沈小锐3
(1. 中铁四局集团第四工程有限公司,安徽 合肥 230041 ;
2. 河海大学 岩土力学与堤坝工程教育部重点实验室,江苏 南京 210024 ;
3. 河海大学 岩土工程科学研究所,江苏 南京 210024 ;
4. 合肥市市政设计研究总院有限公司,安徽 合肥 230041)
摘 要 :在城市交通快速发展的情况下,大断面浅埋式立交通道已日益增多,采用管幕箱涵法施工有着独特的优势。以某管幕箱涵工程为背景,基于顶推力计算结果,选取关键监测断面,针对关键施工节点,建立有限元模型,对现有顶进方案进行模拟,分析管幕箱涵顶进引起的地表沉降变形。对修正剑桥模型中离散较大的参数进行参数敏感性分析,得到对土体变形影响较大的参数作为待反演参数。设计25组正交试验土体参数,并代入二维模型进行计算,构建训练数据。根据地表沉降监测数据,利用ISSA- ELM网络模型反演得到五个工况下的土体参数,并代入有限元模型中进行重新计算,实现对后续工况的变形预测。结果表明:本文方法符合工程实际规律,对类似工程有较好的参考价值;基于智能算法提出参数反演和变形预测方法得到的沉降最大值和最大值所处位置均比初始参数值结果更接近监测值,说明进行参数反演具有实际意义和使用价值。
关键词:管幕箱涵 ;顶推力 ;有限元 ;敏感性分析 ;变形预测
文章编号:1005- 8249 (2024) 03- 0061- 07
YUAN Qihu1, ZHANG Kunyong2 , 3, ZHANG Xingqi4, ZHANG Meng3 , SHEN Xiaorui3
1. The Fourth Engineering Co. ,LTD. Of Ctce Group , Hefei 230041 , China;
2. Key Laboratory of Geotechnical and Dam Engineering of Ministry of Education, Hohai University, Nanjing 210024, China;
3. Institute of Geotechnical Engineering , Hohai University , Nanjing 210024 , China;
4. Hefei Municipal Design and Research Institute Co. ,Ltd. ,Hefei 230041 , China
Abstract : Under the condition of the rapid development of urban traffic , the large section shallow buried underpass has been increasing day by day , the use of tube curtain box culvert construction has a unique advantage. In this paper , a curtain box culvert project is taken as the background , key monitoring sections are selected based on the jacking thrust calculation results , and a finite element model is established for key construction nodes to simulate the existing jacking scheme and analyze the surface settlement deformation caused by the jacking of curtain box culverts. Based on the sensitivity analysis of the parameters with large dispersion in the modified Cambridge model , the parameters with large influence on soil deformation are obtained as the parameters to be inverted. 25 groups of orthogonal test soil parameters were designed and substituted into a two - dimensional model to construct the training data. According to the surface settlement monitoring data , soil parameters under five working conditions were obtained by using ISA - ELM network model inversion , and then recalculated into the finite element model to achieve deformation prediction under subsequent working conditions. The results show that the calculation method proposed in this paper is in line with the actual law of the project , and has a good reference value for similar projects; the locations of the maximum settlement and maximum value obtained by the proposed parameter inversion and deformation prediction method based on intelligent algorithm are closer to the monitoring value than the initial parameter value , which indicates that the parameter inversion has practical significance and value of use .
Keywords : curtain box culvert; top thrust; finite element; sensitivity analysis; deformation prediction
作者简介:袁齐虎 (1988—) , 男 ,本科 ,高级工程师 ,研究方向:地下隧道顶进施工研究。
收稿日期:2023- 04- 19