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 ● 中国科技核心期刊(中国科技论文统计源期刊)
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 ● 全国性建材科技期刊
 ● 河北省优秀期刊  
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Study on the Influence of Moderate Fire on the Structure of Subway Stations


(南京铁道职业技术学院,江苏 南京 210000)

摘 要:为探究中等火灾对地铁车站段内结构的影响,采用缩尺寸试验和三维非稳态有限元模拟相结合的方法,对地铁车站结构开展1 ∶4 比例缩尺寸的火灾试验,探究钢筋混凝土结构的变化响应。结果表明:试验所监测到的顶板、右墙和底板处温度变化呈现相似的趋势,而相同监测深度下,柱的温度变化明显高于板和右墙的温度变化;热载荷导致的应变是造成钢筋总应变的关键因素。试验结果与仿真模拟结果的对比表明,数值模 拟对某些位置( 如右柱中心)的温度预测存在较大偏差, 因而,该三维非稳态有限元模型在应用时需进行改进与完善才能进行更准确的预测。




文章编号:1005- 8249 (2024) 03- 0131- 05 



(Nanjing Railway Vocational and Technical College, Nanjing 210000 , China)

Abstract : To investigate the impact of moderate fires on the structure of subway station sections , a combined method of shrinkage tests and three - dimensional unsteady finite element simulation was used to conduct 1 ∶4 scale shrinkage fire tests on subway station structures to explore the change response of reinforced concrete structure. The experimental results were compared and analyzed with the simulation results , and the main conclusion was that the temperature changes at the top plate , right wall , and bottom plate monitored by the experiment showed similar trends , while at the same monitoring depth , the temperature changes of the column were significantly higher than those of the plate and right wall; The strain caused by thermal load is a key factor causing the total strain of steel bars. The comparison between the experimental results and the simulation results indicates that there is a significant deviation in the temperature prediction of certain positions (such as the center of the right column) in the numerical simulation. Therefore , the three - dimensional non - stationary finite element model needs to be improved and perfected in application to make more accurate predictions.

Keywords : moderate fire; reduced size experiment; simulation; subway station structure

作者简介: 萧以苏 (1981 —) , 男,本科, 工程师,研究方向 :轨道交通工程。
