
( 北京建筑大学 建筑结构与环境修复功能材料北京市重点试验室,北京 100044)
摘 要 :在国家大规模基础设施建设需要巨量砂石骨料的大背景下, 国家鼓励利用隧道洞渣 、石材废石等 加工生产机制砂石。由于每个废石存储点存量大多较少,多选择短线生产和移动式破碎加工,但这样的生产工 艺可能会影响砂石骨料的产品质量 ,所以针对移动破碎装备生产的石材固废机制砂质量及其混凝土性能进行了 试验和研究。结果表明:石材固废机制砂满足标准要求,可以作为混凝土用粗骨料,其所制备的混凝土显示出 较好的和易性和抗压强度,收缩以及抗裂性能方面性能没有明显降低,具有技术可行性。
文章编号:1005- 8249 (2024) 03- 0020- 05
DOI:10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005 - 8249.2024.03 .005
LIU Ziyi , SONG Shaomin
(Beijing Key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Building Structure and Environmental Restoration , Beijing Architecture University , Beijing 100044 , China)
Abstract : Under the background that large - scale infrastructure construction in our country needs huge amounts of sand aggregate , the state encourages the use of production mechanism sand such as tunnel slag , stone waste and so on. Using waste rock to process sand and gravel aggregate , short - term production and mobile crushing processing are more suitable for each storage point of waste rock , but such production process may affect the product quality of sand and gravel aggregate. In this paper , the quality and concrete performance of manufactured stone solid waste sand produced by mobile crushing equipment are tested and studied. The results show that manufactured stone solid waste sand meets the standard requirements and can be used as coarse aggregate for concrete. The concrete prepared by manufactured stone solid waste sand shows good compressive strength , but the workability , shrinkage and crack resistance are not significantly reduced , so it is feasible.
Keywords : stone solid waste; concrete; mechanical sand; workability; strength; durability
*基金项目: 北京未来城市设计高精尖创新中心研究项目 (X20012) 。
作者简介:刘子仪 (1999—) , 男 ,硕士研究生,研究方向: 固废应用。
通信作者:宋少民 (1965—) , 男 ,硕士,教授 ,研究方向: 现代混凝土材料。
收稿日期:2022- 09- 30