
周立红,侯鑫鑫,王 硕
( 中铁建物产科技有限公司 ,河南 洛阳 471000)
摘 要: 以 C150 超高性能混凝土配合比为例,通过设计正交试验,并使用AHP层次分析法, 同时设置权重获得各因素对C150综合性能影响大小,研究了配合比中主要胶凝材料掺量对其抗压强度、流动性能及水化放热量3项性能综合指标的影响。结果表明:对 C150 超高性能混凝土综合性能影响程度依次为粉煤灰 (0. 35) > 偏高岭土 (0. 29) > 硅灰 (0. 20) > 水泥 (0. 17) , 最佳配合比为水泥用量700kg/m3 、硅灰用量200kg/m3 、偏高岭土用量100kg/m3 、粉煤灰用量150kg/m3 。研究成果对于C150 超高性能混凝土配合比设计具有一定指导意义。
文章编号:1005- 8249 (2024) 03- 0035- 05
ZHOU Lihong , HOU Xinxin , WANG Shuo
(China Railway Construction Materials Industry Technology Co. ,Ltd. ,Luoyang , 471000 , China)
Abstract : Taking the mix proportion of C150 ultra - high performance concrete as an example , the influence of various factors on the comprehensive performance of C150 was obtained by designing orthogonal experiments and using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with weights set. The influence of the main cementitious materials added in the mix proportion on the comprehensive indicators of its compressive strength , flow performance , and hydration heat release was studied. Research has shown that the comprehensive performance of C150 ultra - high performance concrete is affected by fly ash (0. 35) , metakaolin (0. 29) , silica fume (0. 20) , and cement (0. 17) in the following order. The optimal mix ratio is 700 kg/m3 of cement , 200 kg/m3 of silica fume , 100 kg/m3 of metakaolin , and 150 kg/m3 of fly ash. The research results have certain guiding significance for the mix design of C150 ultra - high performance concrete.
Keywords : ultra high performance concrete; analytic hierarchy process; influence weight; orthogonal experiment; comprehensive evaluation
作者简介: 周立红 (1982—) , 男,本科, 高级工程师,研究方向:钢结构及超高性能混凝土材料研究工作。